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Chapter 2 Don't mess with Chief's

Word Count: 2335    |    Released on: 30/03/2024

power. The cars parked on my route were all Comfortable Recreational Vehicles and their height aided my cover as I tiptoed gently, my breathing betraying me. I halted sharply, I heard voices; the

is place; the supermarket may be posh but this place.....nah!. The walkie-talkie had a small flashlight powered by a pair of battery, I switched it on and pointed it around the walls and corners of the generator house maybe, just maybe I would find anything peculiar or fancy about my temporary hideout. Well, no doors on both sides of the alley, no windows, no vents, only a small square window for the large metal pipe of the generator........exhaust pipe?.......I mean the one that releases smoke outside........ and oh!, there's the light switch Anthony was warning about which was there screaming 'press me', I had been tempted to switch it on when I first sneaked into the dark passage 'cos I was used to putting on the light switch each time I enter a room. What's with Anthony, he said few minutes. I had already gotten to the metal entrance again, swinging the flashlight and waiting for Anthony's signal then I heard voices right outside the slightly ajar door where I stood, my ears glued to the wall. "My sources have informed me that the Chip would be here in two" That was 'mate' In where?, oh no! I got to tell Anthony the plan has been busted. We had to change our plans now "Anthony.....Tony, do you copy?" I shrieked, what's holding Anthony? "Nisi.....", his voice sounding distorted and distressed over the walkie-talkie, "sorry for that delay, I was being monitored by one of the internal security which I never knew existed. I had to walk about the store to put him off my tail, now I'm headed for the drug now, give me......" "No more extra time to give man!, I overheard something would be in here in two minutes, where precisely, I don't know, we got to get outta here man......I'm sorry, I .can't get caught....I promised!", my hands were already trembling. "Nisi, we can't afford to quit now......for Dan remember?, let's do this for UFC!. Just find a good hiding spot behind the generator and besides, everywhere would be dark.....no one's seeing anything or anybody in there....just hang on, we can pull this off!" "I don't know Tony!, I just feel that.....damn....". Footsteps were already approaching, I scurried back to my hiding spot at the back of the generator, breathing as fast and loud as I could, my heart was already in my mouth and my mind?, praying for invisibility again! I didn't hear any sound again, it all subsided......I could relax just little bit, I would be over soon I thought. I made to stand up, my flashlight falling down from my slippery fingers; the light beam fell on a shiny object that reflected back, I checked what it was and behold, it was a huge padlock, those ones with number codes used to offer some sort of protection to a hatch that led to some sort of basement! Where is this place? CCTVs, surveillance systems, motion sensors, security men and now a basement !. I got to get outta here!, then as I was considering giving up, I reached out for a safety pin which I always kept in my pocket and started picking the numeric lock of the padlock. I had mastered lock- picking from Anthony and now, it might just save my life tonight!. In a minute, off came the padlock and then I heard a loud bang; the metal door with the tampered lock swung open noisily! "Coast clear sire, we carried out your orders perfectly, you would be impressed", this was coming from Sule as three men made their entrance into the dark passage without switching on any form of light, maybe they were the 'men in dark' I concluded. "The light bulbs, are they working?" The stranger among the three asked, his voice sounding harsh and authoritative. "Yes Chief, in fact......." "Thanks Sule, but I'm not interested in facts. Switch 'em on and let's get moving!", the stranger retorted sharply. Just as they made efforts to locate the light switch, Anthony's voice pierced the combined darkness and silence in the alley. "Alright Nisi, you can kill the power now!" No! This can't be happening to me again! "Did you hear that Malik?" Chief asked with noticeable fear in his voice, oh!, 'mate's' real name was Malik! Immediately, the light came on and I heard guns cocking, I coul

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