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Chapter 4 Narrow Escape

Word Count: 2865    |    Released on: 30/03/2024

rsh conditions we put ourselves into; the cold dark night weather the and darkness of men that weren't

hing Caroline cooked if they still needed their mouths. Liz was dealt with for weeks but was undaunted; she knew what she wanted. On another occasion when Caroline was to travel to Singapore for some official duties, Liz sneaked into her room the night before her flight and hid her travel documents in a place she would never find them again; flushed down the toilet!. Caroline was furious that she lost her flight and almost lost her job but she didn't suspect Liz because she believed Liz couldn't be that desperate, so she overlooked it and Liz won that battle just because of someone's ignorant assumption. Well, there wasn't anyway she could approach or apprehend Liz since there was no evidence. It went on and on and the battle between Caroline and Liz only grew stronger but after a while, Caroline gave in and decided to end the marriage. One would have imagined it was game over for Caroline and sweet victory for Liz but Caroline determined she wasn't going down without a fight so she decided to play a fast one on Liz's dad by implicating him in a financial case that got a lot of people including, the affected company, the media, the press and the anti-corruption agencies involved. Failure of to win the case would mean jail time and hell for Liz's dad and Liz respectively. Liz figured it was the handiwork of the devil; her stepmother, but there wasn't any means she could pin her and exonerate her dad. Then she implemented plan C. She went the extra mile of breaking into Caroline's new house since she had seperated with Liz's dad but at the long run, her efforts were running down the drain. With only one week to the court hearing, Liz decided to make one last move which she made sure she planned to perfection. A day to the hearing when everyone was getting busy, Liz sneaked out of her father's bungalow straight to Caroline's home where she climbed over the low fence to gain entrance:she knew what the risk involved in the move she was making but she did it anyways. The plan was quite easy but tasking for eight year old Liz; it didn't require her entering the main house. She located the water tank that supplied water for all domestic functions including drinking that was sitting on a 20 -foot metal structure lined wtih iron ladders and made for the top. When she arrived at the top, she skillfully opened the plastic lid of the tank and emptied bottles of strong alcohol into the full tank, after making her way down, she punctured the four tyres of her 'guest' saloon car and escaped unnoticed. Caroline was 'unavoidably absent' in the court the next day according to her lawyer and since she was the main witness testifying against Liz's dad, the hearing was adjourned. The first phase of Liz's plan was successful, now the second phase had to be planned carefully since the hearing was delayed by a month; so she had a lot of time to execute her plan perfectly. The second phase involved the prosecuting lawyer who was in possession of the documents containing the evidence against Liz's dad. As a eight year old, it was too much for her to handle alone so she persuaded her best friend, Mike to help her and weighing the odd, he decided to help. They worked on their plan, day and night, applying number of changes to improve their chances of victory. A whole month almost passed and two days to the next hearing, the plan was placed in motion! The second phase was a lot more difficult for both of them and strenuous but unlike Caroline, Liz and Mike were focused. They've located the lawyer's house and observed him the time he went out and came in. So 48 hours to the judge's decision, Liz's dad got so busy that he was absolutely ignorant of the time Liz snuck out to initiate her plan. Liz and Mike went to the lawyer's duplex and stayed at the gate awaiting his car. By 9pm, when the lawyer arrived at his home, he was shocked to find two stray kids he couldn't recognise sitting at the front of his gate. So being a benevolent bachelor, he offered them a room in his house since they explained they had no where to spend the night. After offering them dinner, Liz took his phone with the excuse of using it to call a relative but found out it required a pin to access it. Now what?, they needed his phone for the majority of their plan. So at night, Mike caused a distraction by pretending he was asthmatic to get the lawyer's attention, it worked and while the lawyer was trying to call the hospital, Liz saw him input the pin to unlock his phone and boom!, step one was successful. The hospital didn't respond so he decided to take Mike to the hospital himself leaving both his phone and Liz at home. He arrived with Mike hours later, frustration written all over his face the moment the doctor informed him nothing was wrong with Mike. Mission successful. We left the next morning, thanking him for his hospitality, he even offered us money but we rejected it; what we accomplished was far more than the worth of money!. The next day, the newspapers headlined this lawyer and Caroline; their shady deal was exposed and the funny aspect was that it was from the lawyer's phone the cat escaped from the bag. His post on all social media platforms consisted of the chat and messages be

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