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Word Count: 2425    |    Released on: 05/04/2024

houghts. "Lucas said I could stay if I conv

a first-name basis with him?" she asked, a hint of mockery in

learly uncomfortable wit

, "I can't go back to my pack. They rejected me becau

aining cold and indifferent. "You can go back darlin

ed and walked away, leaving i and

ally snapped. "Why do you have to be such a bitch?"

took a deep breath, my voice shaking with emotion as I continued, "I'm tired of p

ed onto mine. "Say that again," she co

lent, watching th

h both defiance and vulnerability. "My parents and best friends are the only people who appreciate my existence," I yelled, my voice echoing i

ion's expression softened, and a small smile crept onto her

nd placed a reassuring hand on my should




ays with her in the forest earlier, with Sophie needing some time alone to clear

utside her favorite spot when ever she feels sad. I approached Sophie's paren

"We thought she went to the par

ized Sophie hadn't return

s Sophie" Soph

ain what had transpired at the party.

ybe she's with the alph


tell us what's going on ,

shift and he said she's a weak werewolf , I and Sophie was devastated and we left the party, o

h her hand. "Oh, Sophie," she whispered, her e

with anger. "How could you leave her alone, Laura?" he demand

. "I know," she whispered, her voice trembling. "

He turned on his heel and stormed out o

find her," she said softly. "And we'll make sure she knows she'

my tears. "Thank you," she whispe

e left sophie behind. She wouldn't have done the same to me , she would stay by my side

so fast and I didn't enough time to think. I hear th

ou fin

ed in with Alex Riley closely behi

of them, it made me sick if this a**hole as not rejec

d as I turned to Alex with

lt " I said as I launched m

stepped between I and Alex, herding me back with her arms outstre

efeat Alex, especially since he was an Alpha. But at that moment, I don't car

ked me about her sister. "Where is Sophie?" she de

I replied cl

x asked looking into

ion of this blinded ungrateful bat but she said she wanted to be alone, knowing she was

ability and the danger she might be in. "Oh, Sophie," she whispered, her voice f

ore somber as i replied, "T

my sister is fine " she sai

s foolish and selfish, but this is because of my father,My actions

elfish, An alpha that doesn't c

e, I'm sorry okay... I promise I would find Sophie" Al

reement. "I shouldn't have accepted the proposal," she whisper

nation. "I'll do everything in my power to find

ust as he was about to walk out the door, Imelda spoke up, her voi

n nodded. "Of course," he said,

i responded, "I'm only coming because of Sophie.

reets, I couldn't shake the worry that It was late, and I know my parents would soon realize I'm outside and my parents would likely set out to

Alex broke the quiet. "Laura, where exactly did you leave

here i had last seen Sophie. "I left her in the forest," i admitted rel

gated through the darkened streets. "Thank you for t

ind my best friend or someone wo

e Laura" he asked as his e

rolled my eyes

le with worry. " Can you two please shut up , you are not helping matte

will," she said determinedly. "We have to or else someone is going

se to you Laura , I prom

k up and saw two familiar figures

melda nodded in agreement as s

our, please don't tell Sophie's parents that I was the one w

your secret," i said, "but only if you do everything in your power

on. "I promise," he said, determination in his voice. "I'll d

d rolled my eyes as

o meet Sophie's parents. As we approached, i could see the worry etched

alled out as she ra

rs Kevin said as she pulled h

m the hug toward me, her eyes searching my face. "Ha

ied eyes of Sophie's parents. " No...but,W

sked as he raises his eyebrow


sense, he would help us find her" i continued and i turned to alex to give him you are welcome look,Alex ret

Alex, his eyes filled with urgency. "What are you still wait

himself. "I'll do my best," he said, focusin

k up any trace of Sophie's scent or aura. After a few moments,

d, his voice filled with relief a

phie's scent, his werewolf senses guiding him towards her. I, Imelda, and Sophie

tears, managed to ask Alex,

h their mental link, his werewolf f

our pack. My eyes red are from crying, approached th

. The others echoed the same sentiment, leaving I

sformation into an intimidating, striking werewolf left everyone gasping in awe and fear. With

Alex declared, his voice f

ir mental link. Sophie's mother and I rushed to the spot, our faces t

ity of Sophie's situation sank in. Alex's fury was palpabl

he blood stain I shouted, "I will


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