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Shadow of Truth

Shadow of Truth


Chapter 1 Unveiling secrets

Word Count: 987    |    Released on: 02/04/2024

ntmindedly stirred his coffee. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled th

she gaze at Lucas looking up, Lucas eyes met with Sarah's concerned ga

tired from w

htly, her eyes searching hi

his inner turmoil "It's just... I

e him, placing a comforting hand on his arm "You can talk to

e of relief at her words "Thanks, Sarah. It's ju

arm reassuringly

amily, this whole lifestyle... it's not what I'm used t

ou're not pretending, Luke. You're a part of th

grateful for her reassurance "Tha

kisses his chee

on something on the floor. He reached down and picked it up, a sm

examining the envelope "

puzzled "No, I don't

ulls out a letter, his curiosity piqued

get a better loo

silently, his eyes widening in surp

n shock as she liste

er? But I

it seems there's more to the story

d, squeezing it gently "Whatever it

"Thanks, Sarah. I don't kn

bly starve without my cooking."Luc

or dinner?" Cos I'm Famished; as he sets the letter aside, feeling a weight lifted

ment"Sounds good to

ome Pad Thai." Okay then she accepted without arguing,smiles

avering support. Whatever challenges lay ahead, he knows that with Sarah by his side, he can face them with courage and

and returned to the table. She placed her hand atop Lucas's, a

s smiles, grateful for her thoughtfulness* "Thanks, Sarah. You always know h

Lucas's newfound discovery. For a moment, it felt as though nothing else ma

the letter in his hand. He turned it over, examining the

rom him..."He speaks out surprised at what was happening Sarah squeezes h

even know where to start. There

t and comforting "We'll figure it out together,

eling a surge of love and gratitude "I don't know

eyes shining with emotion "An

f a doorbell, signaling the arrival of their dinner. Th

he back of his mind. But as he looked across the table at Sarah, her presence a beacon of s

hope begin to blossom within him. Whatever secrets his past may hold,

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