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The Cursed Billionaire's Fate

Chapter 2 Max Donovan's Curse

Word Count: 2026    |    Released on: 08/04/2024

o complete days since the elderly woman ignited into flames following h

roundings to confirm where he was. Gripped by fear because he was being choked and rendered pow

ula that delivered fluids into his dehydrated body through his vein. Two doctors and a few nurses with frantic expres

He had been drifting in and out of a coma state for the pas

lain everything.” The doctor responded in a

s, each one was a puzzle piece adding to his mounting worry. He recalled the recent events but couldn

seeking out the doctor who stayed behind, the one who had tried to calm him. The unknown

d to be nothing more than a haunting reverie. A mere nightmare, desp

encounter with an old woman who had marked your wrist then burst into flames afterwards." Th

rom voicing his skepticism, unwilling to jeopardize his position by

layed the entire incident from start to finish. His memory was rekindled of t

th you, Sir. We did a full medical check up while you were in a coma." The doctor had softly explained, seeing w

aires usually

, perplexed by the doctor

e only prescription we offer is to indulge in ample rest for a few days. Occasionally, stress can trigger sudd

ed it upon me. She even ignited into flames afterward. Conduct more examinations. You will discover something." Max adamantly rejected the docto

immune to stress. And the red mark was sti

r is partially bl

it's just s

ed through it. Conduct further examinations. If you are unable to handle this, just tell me. There are numerous hospitals eager to

pher the doctor's expression. It was evident

op client could cost him his job. "It's not as you think.

with his hand, dismissing

tside, Sir," the

e," Max ordered. The doctor exc

is face. "Sir, are you alright? The doctors assured me of your p

of his company a decade ago. Back when he was a young man of twenty-four, brimming with dreams and ambitious goals, and the company was barely

Along with educational support for his twin children

ceiver of Max's acts of kindn

woman was a witch. She did something really bad to

he was a witch and these doctors can't do anything

an inquired. "Yes, it's still bright and

ething is wrong, and that's why I said the doctors can't do anything about it. It'

ery?” He s

Ethan nod

currences were ordinary. He was well aware that the events between him and the peculiar old woman were f

hope it wa

s, his treasures— all rendered powerle

uldn't mend left him feeling impoten

ys ago and we recounted the events to her, she identified it as the work

questioned wi

with over five years of experience at the company and in her fi

elieve can assist

I believe we should head ther

?" Max inquired, his voice ti

sir. I

he shaman Linda was guiding them to. Her car was in f

omen. It was too crucial, threatening to derail his ambitions of becoming the world's second wealthiest man. That po

ax out of his reverie about his aspirations and

He had expected to see a place similar to the one he had destroyed on his property, but the

sounds that filled the air were the melodious chirping of birds and

of gray. They entered the dimly lit house. The bodyguards remained outs

with the unexpected title. The air was filled with the scent of incense,

erged from behind the curtains, another unexpected sight

I have to take a look at your wrist.” The shaman addressed him dire

to inspect his hand before releasing it and mo

ak with only him.” The shaman told Linda and

x feel small. He resented feeling intimidated, believing that as a billionaire,

irth countless times, possessing immense power and a fierce nature. Those who have crossed their paths have never known peace thereafter.” The shaman's words were akin to tiny ne

a powerful one because it killed her. She must have despised you

rish. No. He

He roared in a

ejecting this cruel destiny. Just a few months ago, he was thirty-five. He still h

face that typically radiated pride and assurance. He g

prepared to depar

sets unless you encounter your soulmate. Your predestin

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