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The Cursed Billionaire's Fate

The Cursed Billionaire's Fate

Author: Lola Ade

Chapter 1 Encounter with the Witch

Word Count: 1759    |    Released on: 08/04/2024

of his elegant trousers. The scene before him was distasteful and utterly absurd. He couldn't fathom why an elderly

n a shack. A slight gust of w

onal assistant, wrinkling his nose in distaste at the sight

med him, "She refus

Ethan, "I don't have all freaking day. Drag her old as

led with peculiar items. Dried skulls of different animals and birds, empty periwinkle she

at them. Despite her fierce resistance, they lifted her up like sh

being offered a generous sum of money," Max questioned the woman, eyeing her with dis

f dollars. Keep your dirty money to yourself!" She deadpanned. She f

we are demolishing this hut whether you like it or not. So it's better for

on on her face. She looked like someone who had not been eating well. Her face lacked color with so many mole

ive a damn about her or her health status. All

ninth spot among the world's wealthiest individuals to the coveted second

nstructed him to summon the laborers who were busily preparing the terrain with hea

ngements. With the laborers just five minutes away, thei

forbidden!" The old woman's defiant cry only

. It reeks so much. Do you usually take dumps inside this shack?" Max mockingly asked

lldozers?!" and swiftly moved away from the

that failed to provide adequate cover due to numerous holes in them. The roof was covered with grimy trampoline material, red and

ated from my land, old lady," he decl

pon you," the elderly woman countered, her coun

laughter, finding

arely able to maintain your balance on your own two feet," he insulted her,


by the devil. They are being consumed by flames in the pit of hell. And that's where you shall end up if you do this." The old woman's words

lso delusional," Max retorted confidently. He thri

nd threats. Money was his weapon, and he was about to demonstr

rs coming, a satisfied s

read its embrace, for your dreams will be plagued and haunted. Peace will be far from you, because the wicked ne

k she is?' He pon

He told them to burn everything to ashes, telling them to pack the a

feeble and worn-down house in a swift and decisive manner. The hut crumbled under the forc

ded her knees to the earthy ground. Rivule

tate brought forth such amusement within him. He felt a sense of satisfaction for

est individuals in the world. He was not to be trifled with, n

lingly p

d. But look at you, so pathetic. Too much of a smart-mouth even at your

t up and ran to him before any of the me surrounding her could stop her. Reaching him, she grasp

yed everything you own. Everything that you are, Max Donovan. After your earthly destruction, you will then die

. The old woman's sinister cackle filled the air, her decaying teeth on full display as she inched closer to him, emitting a fou

inexplicable transformation took place. In a blaze of fiery glory, the old woman erupted into fla

eir minds struggled to comprehend the inexplicable phenomenon that had just transpired. It was o

truck by a searing painful sensation encircling his wrist,

st up only to see a crimson, scorchi

hitched i

fear gripped him as he watched the handp

loyees to take action. Anything to quell the blaze, t

r and hurriedly returning to douse the searing mark, yet

his wrist in hopes of easing his suffering, but to no avail. The pain was unyielding, the burn unforgiving. Despite the

ped into unconsciousness. In the fleeting moments before losing consciousness, his

t mysteriou

had she d

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