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Chapter 2 The Westinghouse Manor

Word Count: 1043    |    Released on: 08/04/2024

t rap sounded at the

er awaiting him. Putting on his most earnest

ure garden from my window view. Might you be so kind as to es

g. Though I should caution that gardens are to be appreciated, not...in

ed smile. "My curiosities are purely the

o insouciant effect. "So tell me, how does one happen upon the esteemed position of Westi

stairs. "I came into the Westinghouses' service through my father, a

chalance, earning him a sidelong glance. By the time they reac

iaries until its trunk near dangled by a thread. As the butler droned on about the gardens' internati

ned by the season's solar--" The butler halted mid-sente

a sprint, putting his wiry orphanage athleticism to good use. His pilfered blades slashed gleefully through what

olian warrior, topiary amputations raining down in his wake. Oh, this was emi

with a crimson-faced oat, his cheeks inflating in Furious frustration. "Lo

asive zig-zag as the gardener closed in. He may have traded one prison for another sort

rippled through his slight form like an electric jolt. One second he was upright, the n

resolved into view. It was the Lord of the manor himself, glower

shakes windows from their panes. "If it isn't my newest investment opportun

ing feeling. He may have misjudged the working

eled. He opened his mouth to offer some suitably contrite apology, but the s

scoundrel responsible for this horrrdendous desecration!" He gestured wildly at the

g like distant thunder. "And to what impeccable strategy

imperious obsidian eyes that could liquefy steel. "I...that is...merely a bit of high-spirited ras

"Rascality, you say? Well, then saddle up for an extended festival of rascality, my bullheaded new heir. For your

ke courtesy wraiths. "Apprehend this young firebrand and escort him to the chokey for an exten

ootmen seized him by either arm in vice-like grips. "But sur

ready turning on his heels back towards the manor. Over his shoulder, he lobb

nghouse philosophy, boy - cross me at your eternal peril. Fo

ved across the grounds towards a secluded outbuilding on the far edge of the property. Its weathered st

floor with a groan. Where the hell had his innocent garden romp gone so bloody pear-shaped? One minute he'd been basking

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