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Mrs Claire

Chapter 2 Confrontation with Ridho

Word Count: 960    |    Released on: 10/04/2024

nation, ready to terminate their affair. In the meeting, she firmly communicates her decision to end the unhealthy and detrimental relationship

her relationship with Pak Budi and her family. She asserts that she will no longer continue their affair and th

o face it with courage and honesty. She understands that her decision may entail consequences and co

en of secrecy and damaging lies. She hopes that by taking this step, she can fully focus on

steadfast in her choice to prioritize the happiness and integrity of her family. Ridho may feel disappointed, but he ultimately accepts Bu Claire's decisio

Claire go easily, creating a da

icult for you, but I have made this decision with

ve like this. You promised me that we would be t

continue this relationship. It is unhealthy and detriment

e me! I love you, Bu Claire,

ve this properly. I don't want any further harm. I as

re! I will never be

gerous and tense tension, leaving Bu Claire feeling trapped in a difficult situation. Although she tries to remain calm

e like this! I love you, Bu Cl

e this properly. I don't want any further harm. I ask

re! I will never be

gerous and tense tension, leaving Bu Claire feeling trapped in a difficult situation. Although she tries to remain calm

tense confrontation with Ridho, Bu Claire displays remarkable courage and determination. In confronting he

ho's stubbornness. Despite being pressured and pushed to not leave him, she

face any consequences of her decision. She shows that even though this final obstacle

ed unexpected strength within herself. Her courage and steadfastness

r conviction to end the affair. She demonstrates that she will not be swayed by emotions o

ge. She realizes that this step may be fraught with difficulty and heavy consequences, but

t let her fear stop her. Instead, she shows that she is a st

ards better healing and recovery. She shows that she is the hero in her own story, ready to

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