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Black Truths & White Lies

Chapter 4 THE MASQUERADE BALL (Natalia's POV)

Word Count: 1599    |    Released on: 16/04/2024

energy called to me. The lure of hushed conversations, clinking glasse

ticated and dazzling eye candy of a wealthy man and

e, looking nothing less than perfect. A few of them were sup

e night summarized exactly one thing: I was in a roo

orned with delicate crimson-golden feathers, forming the graceful silhoue

mask up. Did she really think this was f

th wolves and foxes represent werewolves and vampires, and the lot of them, the swans, butterflies, and Venetian masks, well

ght… I told you that before we left." I whispered close to her, not hiding the

s not like anyone here knows what we truly are. Tonight you play the part of an alluring oblivious swan. And I will play the graceful host

s simply a beautiful woman enjoying a night out with the hostess. The masquerade p

ng elixir Sun Hee had concocted, effectively cloaking our

ssed down amongst Asian ancestries. But Kang Sun Hee is breathing proof that they exist and she believes other minority supernatura

werewolves, vampires, and witches as the top of the food chain. It's funny how a man who chan

Hee has kept her supernatural identity hidden for 250 years,

ls our supernatural scents and energies. It makes us seem human and ens

hes, vampires, or werewolves. After my parent's death and my coming into my powers, I have enco

ferent, and it was an adrenali

tural world, painted a picture of a visibly hidden s

r diverse magical abilities and were from the ancestral line of

n magic and manipulate all forms of energy, which, according to the little

siphoner from my mother's line, e

unlocked our magic, it made the two of us Siphoners. I honestly don't believe what Sun Hee

ilities, and speed, making them formidable opponents. And no, the urban

the full moon call, so they must transform on a full moon night,

al line of Sirens, the famous my

Sun Hee's immediate response when I heard about the werewolf ancestry

ans. They possessed the same superhuman strength and abilitie

mpires, because they have no emotional connection or link, can infiltrate the

their kind, are said to be humans

in the masked figures trying to feel their energies, searching for dark lullabies; that's how vampires feel

vampires at this party, especially because

rix, Sun Hee's lover, walking purposefully toward us with a megawatt smile. He

ly being served the best, and his brown eyes t

t her a smile or a wave with kisses. He leaned down, took off her mask,

ssion. I stared right at them, not givi

and now you are here looking as delectable as ever." He said, brushing h

n more dashing than usual, and I have missed you just as much." I stared at th

the purr? Isn't she

is a pleasure to finally meet you. Thank you for gracing this party with your presence." He bent

have heard only good things about you." I said

could whisper in my ears. "Don't worry, Buttercup," she murm

se to her statement. Charles, oblivious to our

stranger to wealth and fame. His art gallery, renowned for showcasing pricele

a valued asset, I could tell that he was properly smitten with Sun

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