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Yule-Tide in Many Lands


Word Count: 2542    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

fooleries, with shou

s of Burgos-and the

ns wear a mantle of pure white snow while flowers bloom gaily in field and garden, the seaso

hey are few in comparison with those of other European countries. Spain is a land apparently out of the line of Wodin's t

of devotion in that of wild revelry. Music, mirth, and hilarity are the leadin

rvance while others are fast adopting those of foreign residents and becoming Continental in style. But

d fancy goods suitable for holiday wear, but not with the pretty gifts such as circula

and produce from their dependents, but the love of presenting dainty Christmas g


a dark-cheeked Spanish lad named Miguel, or a brigh

ound your neck, and with your guitar in hand you would hasten forth to enjoy the fun that prevails

a wonderful sample of the handiwork that once made the country famous,-your numerous necklaces and other ornaments. You would carefully braid your heavy dark tresses and bedeck your shapel

he eve of

from now

nes jingle their silvery strains, while guitars and other musical instrumen

will the ch

ence by such an act before the bells announce the hour of its birth. As the stars appear in the heavens, tiny oil lamp

to swell the sounds that fill the clear, balmy air. Streets and market-places are crowded with live stock, while every other available spot is piled high with delicious fruit;-golden oranges, sober-hued dates, and indispensable olives; and scatt

booths devoted to toys. Oh, what a feast for young eyes! Here yours will surely light on some coveted treasure. It ma

of tempting articles, and everywhere money flows freely fro

cers who are always on hand to participate in this great festival; or you watch the graceful Spanish maiden in her fluffy skirts of lace, with her deep pointed bodice, a bright flower in her coal-black hair beside the tall comb, and her exquisitely shaped arms adorned with heavy bracelets. "Oh, what magnificent eyes! What exquisite long lashes!" you exclaim to yourself. See her poise an instant with the grace of a sylph, one slippered foot just touching the floor, then click, click, sound the castanets, as they

tivity is celebr

ontentment, everywh

joining in

king, for this is

e of pleasure swee

ought-less crowd turns homeward to rest, and although it is certainly a c

mances, but never tedious to the audiences, because the scenes appeal to them with the force of absolute realism. On Christmas morning the postmen, telegraph boys, and employees of various vocations, present to

ento, made of plaster and representing the place of Christ's nativity, with the manger, tiny men and

it to the music of tambourines and their own sweet voices, joyously singing one of the pretty Nat

he Spanish race is a mixed one and various peoples have been in power from time to time, at one period the country was, with the exception of Basque, entirely Romanized. It is interesting to

t Christmas gatherings of friends it is the custom to draw the names of the men and women whom Fate ordains shall be devoted friends during the year,-the men performing all the duties of lovers. This drawing of

seek out-of-door pleasures. Among many of the old families only blo

be boiled together on this occasion. However, if one has no relatives to invite him to a feast, it is an easy matter to secure a Christmas dinner on the streets, where men are ready to cook for him over their braseros of charcoal and venders are near at hand to offer preserved fruits, the famous almond rock, almond soup, truffled turkey, or the most desirable of the season's delicacies,-sea-bream, which is brought from Cadiz especially for Christmas u

ces! This ceremony takes place about five o'clock just as the daylight fades and night draws near. Ten choristers and dancers, indiscriminately termed Siexes, appear before the altar clad in the costume

n, most pure a

as dance, given in a beautiful cathedral just at the close of day, is a very impressive ceremony and forms a fit

lasts two weeks, although the laboring class observe but two days of pleasure. At the palace the Kin

cy in the way of food is temptingly displayed, and great elegance in dress indulged in by the ladies, who wear their finest gowns and adorn themselves in priceless jewel

be abandoned for a time. Meanwhile in the streets and homes one may often see a father on all fours enacting the infuriated bull for his little sons to attack; in this way he teaches them the envied art of bull-fighting. The Yule-t


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