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The Forbidden Love: Cecilia and Santiago’s Love Story

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1049    |    Released on: 13/04/2024

ncentrating on right now. Don't you all know how to do your damn job?" Santiago said

ooked like he was in a bad mood. He barely raised his voice at anyone. He was more of a quiet devil. A

. Whenever he had some secret dealings, he usually locked the door. As far as

y knew who he was referring to. The one person who had made him frustrated all day. After her first very foolish at

t that thought flew over his head the first time he met her. He had seen her i

otten angry at his men for injecting her, but he knew that was

up, and the wa

meal she wanted to taste, and her looking at his lips almos

ng at him at the moment, but he knew that nothing could ever happen between them. Even if

, as well as the guilt he had had all these years

ce in the bathroom window. We did not bother about it because it was too far away fr

o's response. With the nod of Santiago's head, Jordan con

are that she was used to paying back her stepfather's debt. She also

ded," Jordan said. "I know what I am to do. She is now mine, so nobody has

ferently after less than a day of meeting that girl, and he did not like it. The girl was too rude,

go was. The whole house was so big and confusing to her, so

. You are in my territory," Santiago

taking me?" Cecilia asked, but they just carried her out. The place did not seem like a good place to b

all the time. They took the elevator down to the place where she would be locked. Yes, the house was

ecilia shouted, but he just kept going as if she wasn’t talking to him. Something

r way out of this place," he

nd the space was no bigger than a walk-in closet. It was also a co

lded her hands as the cold started seeping in, and she started feeling it. What sh

y was acting up. "Mama, I am scared," she

ad a bad dream or was scared, she tapped her hands on her shoulders as sh

ng since she came here wa

other so much no

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