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The Forbidden Love: Cecilia and Santiago’s Love Story

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1030    |    Released on: 13/04/2024

ork?" Cecilia

nothing the woman could do anyway to help her. People were afraid to speak up agai

d to Cecilia, to which she nodded. "Santiago never brought a girl with him, and I might not know why exact

e friendly. The thing is that I am a direct person, and I have the tendency to ask those q

if she had just recovered a friend she had lost for a long time

her last name, which was the same as the man wh

ilia said to her. "The restroom is that way,

en keeping watch on her the whole time, was in front of her in

he bodyguard. "I am sorry, Dõna Stacey, but it was the Don's

t wants

refer that I relieve myself here?" Cecilia interrupted what Stacey

," Cecilia said. As expected, the guard did not respond to that. Cecilia took that as her signal and

ng at her, probably because she was dressed so differently from everyone else and her c

man, don't you know that you are not supposed to enter a female restroom?" An older woman who was the only one

th as she continued what she was doing, which was touching up her make

llow her, but she still had that hope—the 20% chance that he was

ching her steps. She did not want a situation where they caught up with her immediately.

man who just came in kidnapped me, and I need to escape. Please lend me your coat and hat. I have no m

onder that man looked so scary when he came in. Have you tried c

ble. I just need to get out of here," Cecilia said. "Why don't you take my shoe t

ooked too big on her. She put on everything and went out. The man looked a

m with some of his business a

with different clothes?" James, the husba

and Santiago looked at the big screen to see Cecilia leaving the restroom with different clothes

nd the rest laughed. "She sure is determined to

s said. They were all mocking him because they had seen how he h

k to be sure that nobody was following her,

gan to say it, but

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