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Destined Hearts: The Legacy Continues

Chapter 4 Bandar Banter

Word Count: 1310    |    Released on: 24/04/2024

h Po

te with my fam, especially my doll. Even though I last saw her 21 years ago, I'm sure she won't m

ere ready to remove her forcefully, but I gestured for them to hold back. I'm not sure why I did th

much, Ekuuh," she ex

gain, I was cut off by her words, a

buff, Eku-" she paus

her brow; it was adorably cute. It reminded me of my doll... Oh no! How could I compare her

g? Ekuuh is waiting for us," shou

t his-" the girl

turning towards me. "I'm sorry, gentlemen, for my

ly mouthing a 'sorry.' I replied with a nod and a smile but quickly concealed it upon hearing gasps from my body

eality. We got into our respective cars, an

girl because I'm about to see my baby!! Gosh,


p P

and we're dying to eat Dal Bati Churma= includes three items: daal, a soup-like mixed lentil dish; baati, balls of bread m

ar syrup and ghee, and sometimes garnished with nutty rabri, created by my Dadi and Nani. Al

y dance academy's construction, college semesters, and being sick along with Yashu. We watc

message from

Where a

ople just say the sha

wearing a b

all I could see were vintage and pastel colors. Suddenly, I noticed someone wi

im tightly, babbling away. But what puzzled me was feeling his stiffness

I turned, only to halt my sentence midway and furrow my brow. Who is this guy

led me "Pagal"(crazy) when she's the number one pagal. I walked with her, but I couldn't resist

l we were both pulled into a ti

us," Yashu said,

ANSH BHAI," I slapped his ha

oth my Bandars,

's younger brother) and Kriti chachi (father's younger brother's wife).

homies," I squealed and jum

luggage as Yashu and I sat behind so we

nt world dreaming about the guy I met at the airport. I couldn't ask his name.

our family members except Nani (Mouni), Nanu (Arjun), Ma, Papa, Rehaa

embracing and blessing us as we touc

was noon when we reached the Mansion, I could st

," she said, while

i and Nanu?" I pouted,

meet them at the wedding as

oth Jay mamu and Ajay mamu s

" I exclaimed w

he got involved in his brother's business. Despite the lack of di


Let's not leave him tomorrow, Roop

at and eat," R

ou can freshen

lay g

family time," inst

eat or not while his Mom, Bua, and Mahi ma (the way he calls her) wer

), who just laughed and shrugged. Daksh turned to Mo

u're not letting him eat, you're all f

ook turns feeding him while the men a

London, he was about to leave his room when Mouni shouted someth

he Rajvansh and Bijlani families cheeri



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