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Chapter 3 Take you home.

Word Count: 1343    |    Released on: 14/04/2024

d his lips w

ept with

he other end of the phone

eredolu family can't do anything about it. Come back and marr

as domineerin

ce suddenly

Fisayo is now mine, Olaolu’s woman." He emphasized each word. "Sin


blesome for you to handle. As for Lolu, you can decide how

an a chance to speak again a

bout how his half-brother al

ionally told the Akeredolu family it was Lolu

oad, he found out that his reputatio

out that it was all the

ed his lips

e walked towards

ouldn't keep runn

nce came from her nose. She opened her eyes and saw

y?" He asked i

y, but her stomach protested uncontro

nd a night since sh

and saw only

aten, sir?"

gs and turning his back to her as he

close to her, biting her lip as she ge

lit up. This was her favorite food, and her optimistic

e is Fisayo.

ice," Olaolu nodd

ven her this name, and it was the first

r name, sir

r'?" Olaolu stared at the newspape

whether or not to t

on's name was impolite, especially since she and t

ing you 'sir' is

e stranger was still reading the newspaper,

nd said to her ca

Fisayo was

ay in the hospital

me to tak

were so expensive. She couldn't waste this stranger'

e money I owe you, but

ldn't put any weight on the foot she had twisted last night, and fell heavily to the grou

his fresh and pleasant scent. Her mind

...!" she

ms and stared at her red and swolle

was so severe. She needed

id without hesitation,

dy tensed up like an electric s

n walk by myself...!"

de out of the room with her on his back. "Don't

move. She lay on his broad and stur

she had ever been so

pounding like

still didn't let her go. Fisayo couldn't hel

ient for anything. I'll take you...home." His voice was

, tensed up again. After all, he was still

e, you can just

ng to my house, wh

speak. She had n

ery thin

ly, and the two soft bunnies on her back

y turned red, and he

night, he could have taken

him "Uncle," making it h

enger seat and fastene

want to do anything to you, I woul

d under his gaze, Fisayo co

e what he sai

run away from her wedding, and neither the Durojaiye family nor the Akeredolu f

ather stay wit

side the window again. Fisayo, who had just recovered f

soft bed, warm-colored chandelier, and exquisite curtains. Fisayo was stunned for a

much better than before. She limped to the door and opened it. The corri


t turned out to be a middle-


heart skipped a b

la. I am the Second boss but

of him was so beautiful, and she matched the Second boss

s". In Ibadan City, the only person who was called "Second bos

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