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Chapter 5 His young wife probably wouldn't mind that he's getting old.

Word Count: 1266    |    Released on: 14/04/2024

red, Fisayo couldn't prete

here something yo

Lolu replied, not bothering to hid

ing and didn't bother to h

port to you wherever

lk back to her. From childhood to adulthood, this

couldn't b

till need to consider his family's reputation. How can you be so shameless and still ha

o often. Sir, today is the fifth time this month that Big cousin has come to this hotel. I don't know how many times y

e and aunt would pretend not to see it. But every time she dare

dure it anymore. She didn't plan on goi

t Lolu with disg

nly. Fisayo’s words were

family, the richest and most powerful man she had ever met, and

o her nonsense..." Lo

n't believe her!" Fisayo quickly changed her words, al

she could only slander bac

ed, staring c

ing to do, let's make an

ed when she saw him wa

would be so sharp-tongued today. She gritted her teeth a

riedly chased after him, putting on a pit

, pursed her lips, and also

usual style, she would definitely bring a group of peo

is, Fisayo qui


sent by his assistant, hi

rom the hotel, and he couldn't help bu


seemed that the third brother mu


t the man in the mirror,

hairstyle he had, he could still look incredibly handsome. Espec

ange his temperament, but it seemed that this was t

s phone, feeling extremely happy. He elegant

bonus for


d only then did Olaolu raise his gaze a


't mind that he

nly began to rain heavily. She hurriedly followed the crowd and

and her skin was faintly visible through the thin fabric. She blushed and hugged

he porch, she was lost in thought whe

of a silver-gray car and w

and right, and they


, causing a burning pain that made her eyes see stars.

s," The men grabbed her and dragged her towar

"You've got it wrong, I

n't listen t

, they were trying to kidnap her. She shouted at the c

had already noticed what was happening and quickly surrounded the

you should report it to the police. How

t the girl go. There sh

wd became angry and started pushing and pulling them. Someone accidenta

out of the zipper, and everyon

ry so much cash with her when she

h other. The kidnappers took the opportunity to d

, kicking the car door with her feet

't you know who


rarely offended anyone. If she h

thought of he

in her hands, but... it should

nd is Olaolu Durojaiye, he will giv

appers, Fisayo could only

d, "Husband? Are you sure he

ale for a moment as sh

s had all died before

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