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Buried Alive (for miracle)

Chapter 8 My mummy!

Word Count: 1260    |    Released on: 18/04/2024

ed A



!tterly as my daughter wouldn't stop pulling my hand up so we could leave th

he initially refused, and then agreed when I persisted. She cried turning around to look at us as she walked away even though my daughter and I too

e 30 minutes, resting, panting, and racing again, till we arrived at the othe

home alive? It's better to see if we can spend the ni

" My daugh

know anybody he

leted building. It's better spending the night there than these their dem0nic villag

voice of someone who was praying at the top of his voice. My daughter and I turned our

and we started to trace the voice. It was

the building, and the pe

We heard hi

respond. We were there for some 20 seconds hoping he would open

think it's safe here" My da

and I turned swiftly. The door came open, and this middle aged man who was car

ed looking at

evening sir

where? How may I hel

s village maybe we could get a place to rest our heads till morning. We heard you praying while w

e in" He said open

to sit on a sofa, while he

village here. I didn't come with my family though, they are back home but they come

ot have problems with you or your

it's otherwise in some of

om?" He quizzed and I immediately tur

neighboring v

e said looking at

ut your h

to talk about that now till I'm through with whatever I want to so

Akure?" He aske

he gave us one of the rooms for the night and as soon as my daughter and I stepped in, we sat on the bed and we wept covering our mouths. We couldn't even sleep a wink, we sat like that on the

am, we showered, and we left the room to inform the pastor that we were

re you off to this e

o leave now so we can walk to the town be

!" He asked in

walk from here all t

said shyly, scr

elling me? " He quizzed staring

elling me. Look at both of you, your

our story sir cos, it's a very long o

ent, let me make you something to eat, and then we talk. Then I

head and

and tears began to flow d

rst" He said pointing

ing what had happened when we heard someone coughing all of a sudden. We all turned swiftly towar

aid..." I said in stutter

ghter asked looking back

or screamed all of a

from the room and I s

with a bandage on his head, and was limpi


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