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Ralph’s Vengeance

Ralph’s Vengeance

Author: Early Bird

Chapter 1 Graduation Party

Word Count: 1874    |    Released on: 17/04/2024

ers to the woman who stood in the balcony wat

as if she was battling within herself. She was lost in

and hid her journal under he

Are you k

m followed by a kissing couple and a

at eight. It’s quarter past eig

ing her forehead frustrated. Her friends planned a night out

rself gave the idea of a night club. They all agreed to meet at he

she didn’t take notice of time. Now she wa

I am waiting for yo

and charming eyes. Darla looked at her s


’s true that she never let anyone not even her frien

. That’s how much control she has over everything around her

it for me downstairs? I

met few days ago whistled loudly and left the room. F

rosses it but this man is so dumb. Everyone needs oxygen and water to

eir bodies like a chewing gum. She held her churning st

m out please. I

ether she had no problem watching any other intimate scenes but not

five m

gh her brunette hair inhaling deeply. Without wasting a second she started dressing up for the party


hands to hug Fiona who walked towards them in her s

bag showing off her diamond bracelet. Her lips were bare wit


and up. Victoria who just came from her bedroom

You look

ps. Darla and Neil shared a look shaking their heads meanwhile Th

at your daughter is beautiful but w

Victoria gave the gift box to Fiona. She opened the box excitedly to s

ks mom. I

ss. She saw it when they were shopping a week ago. She didn’t


her parents world. They all grew up watching their care for h

See you soon dad and m

me to hit the club. Thiago readily parked the jeep at the front gate wait


very famous and dangerous because underworld mafia people

to the club but Thiago's brother was a bouncer in

rved to the common people. When Fiona proposed this night club her friends

Our heaven

dangerous vibes. The girls were scared to get down because of the people who were w

e looks cowards?

ho gripped their hearts with frightened looks. Fiona

ed a kiss on her cheek whi

ere bab

cer, Thiago’s brother stopped them to check the entrance pass. Thiago rolled his eyes at him

r will lose his job. Just when Neil was ready to show the

ound to see a group of peo

hem go

ustful eyes. He looked so disgusting with a cigarette between his

ands. Fiona turned her face away shrugging her shoulders and gest

ve them access to enter the club. Levi glared the peo

tch to turn a bli

e aside and entered th

ould go to t

rridor. They are here to make a deal with the arms dealer. If th

ter dealing w

his master but he didn’t know why his master assigned L

ever he saw a beautiful woman, he would take them to his b

ced her to his friends and ordered drinks to everyone. They sat at a

time for them to start their career plans. For now they just wanted to ce

r grad

d squealed before downing them. Fiona shook

s so a

g. It’s her first time tasting the alcohol. She didn’t like it as she a

ry vodka but it’s terrible. She pu

p guys. I

r party Fiona. We should

lacing the drink

am gett

t to get the wine. Darla sh

nd t


s the bartender went to fetch a new one for her as per her request. She tapped her sle

her eye sight. Everyone is enjoying drinking to th

wanted to draw the view of the city from her balcony but she was di

r eyes humming to the song thinking about her childhood. How

met outside the club. He held her hand which wa

dared to touch her, she was dragged away from the counter towards the stairs behind the bar cou

to hav

e. Fiona’s eyes turned red in fury. She was so angr

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