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My Personal Demon

Chapter 10 Smile's kidnap

Word Count: 1110    |    Released on: 19/04/2024



a waist of a girl. Both of their lips glued together, as they bask in the aura of kiss

his trouser down and flung his T-shirt off from his body, cladded with just boxer. He unclaspe

jumped on her and continued sucking. The door burst open

off from the girl's body.

acked the A47 gun she held and directed the mouth to

n men" he said beating his chest as he climbed down from the bed vibrat

d girl who scampered out of the bed with few of her belongings and

o tree is. It will surely fall" their leader said, a white piece of clothe tied on her two wrists.

e of the white Angel said, they tied white clothe to their guns and shot repeatedly at him. The bullets pierce

ys on green barret with guns. Amongst them is their capon who wore a green barret with

tional, their leader brought out his phone and placed a call "green m

e police will come to the place and carry his


hand inside his trouser pocket and saw the caller ID. His mind skipped

n pick na?" Cyril asked him. Smile didn't respond he only shrugged, "you dey act st

o another direction. They walked to a cyber cafe that they have given the owner four days ago their wo

much?" Cyril asked the owner the price. "The five copies is three hundre

he arranged copies after binding with them, while they were walking to the lecture hall "I go buy laptop oh, we dey


r, Li sat on the sofa while Tasha isn't with them. "Him no

done, you no go even like am again" Li told Eva, she was very angry at the way Smile is

ee for am" Li said angrily, she is tired of watching her friend act like a secondary school girl in love. Tasha opene

she pounced on the food with Tasha, Eva swallowed hard at the sight of the tempting food. She stood and w


nd went inside a carb, when the carb is filled the driver demands fifty naira from everyone driver put the campus shuttle in motion, and they drove off from the campus to the exit. He pulled

he air repeatedly as people ran from the crime scene for their de


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