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BILLIONAIRE'S BABY MAMA - when a playboy turns daddy...


Word Count: 1520    |    Released on: 19/04/2024

as though she was lying on clouds or feathers. She felt very weak and definitely not in the mood to

her honeymoon. She had a whole three weeks to herself. She was a

ymoon so much, the sun, the beach, wak


before and how he had betrayed and dumped her at the altar

ed her eyes

on the pillow. It felt like monsters were using her b

get out of bed and get something to soothe t

's going o

ghtly by strong arms

d back and nearly

it, I must be crazy. I actu

d at him

him, and her stupid

t him again. He looked so peaceful sleeping but still wickedly handsome, l

is situation. She felt her face burn with shame and tried to move again but Dennis sighe

he floor, hurriedly pulling it on. She glanced at him, at intervals, praying he does not wake up as she q

s in her car driving

ead was still pounding and she si

er mom's car in her driveway. W

as she hugged her immediately she ca

, scrutinizing her "you look like

answered, avoid

eady to tell her family that she slept with a com

she gr

asked, eyeing

iancé and I'm not really in a good mood to share my feelings with you or

you" her mom said "you kep

ison countered "I'm a grown up wo

hed at herself

all because her fiance dumped her. She

hose things, a

oo sha

xt to her, placed her face in her

quicky took her in

elt d

gotten herself into but she

ones be

will never


l clock, shocked to see t

was sher schedule and her most important

e biggest conglomerate in the City, Overton Group. They intended to build a megacity, comple

as her dream to design something like this but she was sure Overton ha

e and her team would do a

hed, wondering why sh

k too much" she mutter

e had become the dreaded workah

on a man to the concern and worry of all her friends. She heard nothing of her ex-fiance and did not wish to. They could dis

cuments, and a steaming cup of coffee. She placed the document o

mell of the coffee and she rush

sistant and friend to Alison asked as

" Alison

ot and sh

ale, more pale than normal and she stil

again "when last did you get

d refused to answer beca

ing a shadow of hersel

h the clients from Overton?" sh

red "you had better get re


his? you ought to rest" Tonia said plea

tion "These are our most importan

e contract again and set a

ficer " Alison insisted "I thin

."if you neede, I'll be right outside. You can't

son queried. Tonia


but had never seen him. T

id not love the tabloids but somehow always managed

ous and nothing to write home abo

d with him anymore than the contr

s which she was wearing. Taking a quick glance at the mirror on her tabl

e the efficient boss tha

nia welcoming their clients an

et of armchairs in her posh office but stopped

on f

he was d

ew tha

y coloured eyes which

egs give way. She stumbled forward, hit

ng ripped through her an

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