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BILLIONAIRE'S BABY MAMA - when a playboy turns daddy...


Word Count: 1501    |    Released on: 21/04/2024

s not on her bed. This bed was not as soft

slowly focused, her eyes bleary. The beeping sounds o

in a h

ood. It serves her right. She should have taken b

n when she had so much to do incl

rton co

own on her. She hadn't fainted

ad me

She did not want to believe that he was real,

onger. She felt her stomach turn but wa

rned toward her. She had not even noticed

ke" Tonia said, eyes misty, as

ton beside the bed ,

or appeared, followed by


ke such a big deal over this. She was not goi

you feeling?" the doctor ask

said trying to sit up to t

of getting up. I warned you didn't I? But you had

Julia said "

pointed look that

ed at them,

that actual reaso

groan aloud, making

bum whom she slept with


was a mistake

one gave away the fact that he was no ord

whiskey coloured eyes, as though they were searc

watched h

are fine?" the doctor asked, frow

worried about y

oo much" Tonia said reprimandingly

ly "but I still feel naus

in your condition" he said "

ion?" Alis

octor?" her mom aske

take care of herself. Its also usual for women in her co

ie asked confused "what

r said exasperated "any woman in her rig

the room had gone silent with everyone

ked "why, she's pregnant and ver

nant?"Alison stamm

replied, then paused for

d down her bed and


ed his secretary as he walked into his office followed

was s

real estate agency and had se

ed Dennis's face and knew without a d

nymore. Matt knew something was up. He had never seen Dennis so s

rmation out of him was was

withdrew and refused to tell his best

a trip everynight to God kn

d him and got ever

e lady in the wedding dress but lo an

ftly and Dennis

"she was here all alo

thought you

is s


was doing just fine" Matt su

elaxed v

describe the emotions coursing through him; anger that she had disappe

and had obviously recognized him.

hing in him had. How

in years but he was not going to admit it. He would t

hell , was not lett

ked at the secretary as

Kent" she said, holding an Ipad in

he ordered for t

most reliable designers and contractors in town and it is widely known she helped in suggesting the site as well

Dennis asked and M


s it that she was jilted on her wedding day by h

aid as Denni

at wa

nd he was just someone t

ld she leave

called called" the secretary

jacket and headed straight for his car.

ing to happen in the hos

nd declare his undying love for Alison but Dennis had a

p in though but actually he was just relieved that s

gain. To look into her beautiful brown doe eyes

r of

rhaps put the happenings of that night behi

Dennis thought as h

nsation and pleasures, he normally leaves the unfortunate girls

His sole pleasure was in taking as much as he wanted for as long as


ison's cas

as going t

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