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Unforeseen Temptation: Spoiled By The Aloof Magnate

Unforeseen Temptation: Spoiled By The Aloof Magnate

Author: Carisa

Chapter 1 Saved A Big Shot

Word Count: 589    |    Released on: 28/04/2024

d the city of Driyver

louds, casting light on

edical kit, briskly walked o

nce of the alley, a figu

t scent of blood eman


te resolved

e man collapsed

usness before h

ser, turned the man over, and r

he well-known heir of Dr

ewards of intervening. The potent

s breath; it was f

ve. There

es' arm and manage

dden door down the alley, w

one of her s

ly moved him to a

ning a white one, she sterilized her sur

let clinked as it

y sigh, the surgery ta

the wound, ensuring i

as she fi

t open with a

armed guards clad in bla

was still unconscious on the hospital bed,

Corinna's temple, his voice tense as he asked,

reat, Corinna

es and noticed his

beginning to rega

nt made her wo

as Andres, respected on both sides of the la

ach minor movement bringing

voice was faint yet co


ity in his voice was clear and the

, leaving Corinna

sit down in a nearby chair,

intently, maintai

res' voice carried

d in response, maint

As a token of gratitude, I'm willing to gr

back, feigning

l call in that

lready considering the possibiliti

riyver, a formidable figur

ntly faced, aligning with someone

id, sliding a business card towards

m leave, a smile p

not been in her plans, yet here she wa

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