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"The reasons she colludes with the powerful."

Chapter 3 Let you never forget...H

Word Count: 2093    |    Released on: 19/04/2024

being unable to maintain her composure and dignity. He got of

abbit, rolled to the other side of the bed

not opening it, and kicking it several times but still not moving, he said leisurely: "Try the window and balcony again. Chr

crazy is the fault tha

carefully and suddenly wan

, he guided her to the escape route and brought a wave of

s before she could barely suppress her anger. She has never liked to go

happened s

think carefully about the pros

nking and lasciviousness. He has a drunken and lascivious brother, His Majesty the Emperor. Therefore, when someone brought

ss appearance, is smart and capable, has hig

he backer of their family, their family will be protected by the r

, she, who is many levels lo

tors, and he is also the official match of the heroine. The mo

r to deal with. The most fearful thing

h Hearst. On the contrary, her love experience is limited to holding

ould Hearst want to do

no shortage

n you can’t


essness hit her, Christina turned her head, and Hester's hands

f-smile: "Crytina, I c


.mind r

the outside, you are a very d

corner of her mouth: "Onl

gger, there will be an e

hat's the use of a man who

at you have gone mad, and n


towards the soft bed, put her down gently, untied h

off her clothes, "you are very smart. I have investigated you

his strong and delicate chest, smooth mermaid lines and the movements of his

and took it as flirting. How can

but let out a very soft exclamation. The girl in front of him was extremely be

slightly green body. A pair of emerald eyes full of moisture, covered by thick e

ed slightly with her tight breathing, and her tender areolas seemed to be stimulated. Heste

ed as expected and


e hand subconsciously grabbed her slender wrist

legs and wrapped them around her waist, leaned

e tongue, and he drove straight in. His slippery tongue lick

and she suddenly remembered the d

learly, the man with... the

s He


t go of her lips and rubbed her breast vigorously with

ld me, I will make you feel very com

nd his strong waist, and she hugged his shoulders. As her passion slowly rose, her ey

and sucked her lips hard, licking his t

etite girl under him. The man is absolutely powerful in terms of body shape. He slightly arches his body, and the ti


ina, I like the wa

r trembling and listening to her delicate moans. Then he wrapped his lips around her breasts and sucked them

she reflexively ducked back. Hester pressed her naked inner

afraid, C

posed. He seemed to have endured a hard time, which showed that he had great endurance. He

sed his sur

it won’t hur

ds, trying her best to get away, but the hot and thick

nd glanced down timidl

na wanted

one hand, lowered his body, aimed his hot and swollen pen


r, leaving her with nowhere to escape. At the same time, his penis penetrated the slippery hole, accompanied by As


is feeling was incredible. The pain disappeared quickly. She gradually relaxed and stopped crying. The m

...ah! Uh

it her hard, and her strength seemed to be endless. However, his thrusts

, but I also hope to continue

re you feelin

ah... Your Excellency the Duke.

u have to continue

water slid across his handsome face, and a transparent luster shone alo

this man would no

y, which had been ravaged for a long time, there was still a stinging and dryness. She slowly sat up. She wa

ed the quilt, and got out of bed. Sh

felt a slight pain when her lower body rubbed again

y controls his animalistic desires

appearance of a gentle gentleman was

oon as she took a step, a handsome young man appeared in front of her. The young man was wearing a straight black knight uniform. He was much t

er hair, there is a pair of blue pu

at her, standing in front of the door

ed at him and

decisive in killing. He is a genius killer. He was given the title of Viscount

t Arling

linked an

d oh, she gues

I go o

in no

le. I am afraid that my family will be worried. Can the Viscount send a

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