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1 Chapter 1 Rejected 2 Chapter 2 The Runaway Mate 3 Chapter 3 Pregnant 4 Chapter 4 She's ready to fight back 5 Chapter 5 Vanessa's Escape 6 Chapter 6 Caught After Escape 7 Chapter 7 The Awakening 8 Chapter 8 Vanessa's Breakdown 9 Chapter 9 The Stand- Down with Alpha Patrick 10 Chapter 10 The Reckoning 11 Chapter 11 Vanessa's Second Escape 12 Chapter 12 Alpha Williams Gets the News13 Chapter 13 Her Disappearance 14 Chapter 14 Vanessa Awakens15 Chapter 15 The Misconception 16 Chapter 16 Saving her at all cost17 Chapter 17 The Revelation 18 Chapter 18 Vanessa's torment 19 Chapter 19 Another Warning 20 Chapter 20 The Unexpected Meeting 21 Chapter 21 A brewing love story 22 Chapter 22 Alarming 23 Chapter 23 The Truth might not set you free 24 Chapter 24 There are always enemies 25 Chapter 25 The Intermediate 26 Chapter 26 Let the conflict begin 27 Chapter 27 Vanessa has got a friend 28 Chapter 28 The Right time29 Chapter 29 Damian was right 30 Chapter 30 A Twist of Fate 31 Chapter 31 Nothing can ever be right 32 Chapter 32 Damian 33 Chapter 33 Road to the Deal34 Chapter 34 The Deal Reveals a bigger Enemy 35 Chapter 35 A Battle among Men 36 Chapter 36 Vanessa in Another World 37 Chapter 37 The Great Shaman 38 Chapter 38 When Men Decide39 Chapter 39 Either Vanessa or the baby40 Chapter 40 Williams is ready to do anything 41 Chapter 41 I sense betrayal 42 Chapter 42 A Meeting 43 Chapter 43 A Disturbing Truth 44 Chapter 44 Treading the same path as the past 45 Chapter 45 Vanessa is put in a tight spot 46 Chapter 46 William's Rage47 Chapter 47 The Settlement 48 Chapter 48 The Horrible Plan 49 Chapter 49 The Witches Clan50 Chapter 50 A Moment 51 Chapter 51 The Dreamer52 Chapter 52 Something fishy53 Chapter 53 A Moment with the old man