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Chapter 4 TWO

Word Count: 2080    |    Released on: 20/04/2024

nt scenes.If you're not okay with it,I ad



ards the armchair in the corner of his room before

nostrils flared.In a swift motion,Nikolai stretched his hand out and grabbed th

her.His brother proposed to the

eathed out

of his mind.It was fucking h

"He breathed out,reach

s in his palms.Grabbing the jug of water on the drawer,he fetched a favourable amount i

drawer,he palmed his head."Control.

have their desired effect, and Nik

k down the lane of what

nd Camilla looked hopelessly in l

key to the

see her in pain.He loved her so much he couldn't bear to spoil

uch, and it broke his heart into several pieces the day he saw it in her

aths had bee

e ha

sed out loud

ed.He shouldn't be thinking of how the deaths of his

ded to

e after that day?How could he stop knowing fully well he couldn't even bring justice to everyone he loved that w


d he turned towards it.No one other than his underbo

dy at the door.Opening it,he lock

d."Che ca

fuck do y

d in the eye;something no one other than him and the consigliere

fucking anxi

t if what next he would say was a lie,before opening hi

bad as you m

illed the void in him that even his own twin brother couldn't fill

ogni volta che pensi che quella ragazza sta co

u think of that girl being with that coward

e mi fa, Stefano,"Nikolai gritted out.

he does to me,Stefano"} {"Tell me w

into a sly smile."Fidati di me

Don Nico,it

owed into slits."Al

,tell m

nerci d'occhio,"Stefano replied."Per for

eep an eye on us,".} {"Luckily

ia a trovare un membro del

py even get to find a

."Scoprirlo da quello stronzo non s

cker isn't going to be ha

hin hallway of the baseme

d towards a woo


nd turned to Stef

rco in

me ne sono andato, ti stava preparando gli strumenti di tortura," He chuc

as setting the torture tools for you,"} {"If he's not in the

ed it,then walked into the dimly lit room as his eyes fell on the figure tied to the

irst thing Nikolai realised and a low sne

person his brother ha

w much of a coward he was b

pped it and poured the contents above the man's hea

,he flung the bottle across the room and stepp

olai bit the insides of his cheeks to stop t

uttered. "

and his lips curled up into an evil s

at do you w

ter agreeing to his fucking assignment?"Nikolai as

ahh!,"He screamed when a dagger was

ls when Nikolai plunged out the

do worse,"Nikolai said."I'll pull out your

r.His head was bowed

k at him as he sneered on his face."When I ask you something,you fucking answer me immediatel

in horror and he shoo

ed you a question before, and you lied.Considering the fact that you don't kno

an no

How was my brother doing when you last saw h

lai's gloved fingers plunging themselves int

per,expanding the injury."H

ence.He stroke the man across the face with the back of his hand with such a fo

y whim

orth in the room,trying

n his knees and gripped the man's hair tighter than before."

reathed o

ised his head up,then hit it harshly on the ground i

supermarket.We planned to tail him till I'd be able to locate your hideout.The plan was to burn down everything to

ood up and reached out for hi

o through torture but he was livid and not

hing at that moment and he wouldn'

ed the trigger,emptying all the b

man went limp and

living.He ended those who trie

etti that night,but he would make sure to snatc

re than he can chew a

stared at Stefano."Dove sono andati

and Camilla go to fr

ove to talk him out of it.Whatever happened in the torture room w

or Nikolai to cross the bound

ic expression as he repl


agli avvoltoi e prepara una macchina. Andremo

ures and prepare a car.We're paying

Nikolai walked away from there,thi

but no matter what;no matter the extent of

real truth cam

t the moment was snatch

ing the Queen of his em


for r

think of t

about him,but that's how I want his character to be.T

ths to be a mystery for now.Just like Nikolai's character,as you go further into the book,you'll understand t

he fluent Italian languag

cs of Nikolai's underboss and consigli

the moment?Please share your thoug




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