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Chapter 5 THREE

Word Count: 2141    |    Released on: 20/04/2024


isappearing along with the arms and body of the person it radiated fro

p immediately,then covered her naked frame with the silk sheets.Her eyes fell on Robe

ight from the moon peeked through the curtains and reflected on hi

and nodded hesitantly."Okay,

and pecked her l

ll smile in return

he room,the faint sound of his voice reaching her

let ou

ive phone calls in the night,and that she had to get used to it especially when they would spend their lives togethe

ed to do the same too, and the cause

t.She just didn't like it.She hated the i

er mind."...when you love someone

d to her mum about stopping her dad after immediately finding out what h

I love Roberto.I have to l

shut, but they opened immediately she heard the


at up immediately.Just before she could get down from the bed,an

was defini

to's clothes for a shirt.Her hand caught a black button-up and she grabbed it before throwing it over her head,then hurried

nd she quickly rushed out of the room and down the hallway.When she reached

she heard an almost familiar deep

king want,I'll be forced to end you

dimly lit living room and that was when she ha

he was, stood tall,mighty and proud,towering over Roberto.One of his hands was beside him wh

was covered e

Roberto,whose arms were held by two bulky-looking men on

kered her eyes to the trench coat-wearing ma

her, and the man's

before they landed on her exposed skin covered in love bites,and then,they hardened,narrowing into

ack to face his brother,tightening his grip on

s stared right back at Nikolai's,mocking him."What,

s fist connected with his jaw, and he


let out another pained groan,she turned to Nikolai,with hate clear and evident in her brown eyes,sending daggers across his chest."Why the fuc

ed at the woman he was whipped for,

to again and rubbed his jaw.A tear slipped down her eyes when he winced i

eyes trained on his brother,refusing to look at Camilla."Give m

ecting with his cheeks."Don't you get it?!You're not fucking wanted here!

he side of his lips curl up into a small,ghost smile,before

ed a brow."Is that al

t no words came ou

register anything,Nikolai pulled the trigger of the

and clutched unto his shot arm."Fuck!"He gla

brother,raising the gun at him."I won't repeat myself again,Roberto Moret

d stared at Roberto

."He wants you,Camilla.This

ack to Nikolai."

s not leaving his brother's

rageous facade he had on,but he knew it wouldn't last long.His brother was more powe

igger again,sending another bullet into Roberto's oth

of him and cupped his cheeks."I'm so sorry you're hurt.You'll be

runted."He has killed the spy I managed to send after his soldiers.He's d

hat d

lips."We have to gi

-you think I should

fucking sorry,but that's the best,"He groaned as his hands fell beside him and

hit-chat?"Nikolai asked."I don't have

his brother."Shu

"You still haven't learnt your fucking lesson

n an attempt to cover Roberto as she faced Nikolai."I'll come with you.I'll come with y

way out for her,right?She t

ikolai's lips and he stared at

l insults at him,"Cami

y landed on her and he shot Ro

r arm and pulled her against his body."You are mine now,"He

amilla wiped her tears as Nikolai dr

f the house was Roberto's eyes closing and when she tried to

nscious!"She cried.

er care for a man who didn't even waste a single second before

t going

he placed his fingers on her c

ed on their own accord and the last thing she r

at Camilla's sleeping figure the momen

her provoked him into doing that.If he hadn't sent that sp

ful skin as the moonlight shone brightly on her face.Her thick,full and long lashes kissed her cheekbones,making her look like an angel straight from heaven and a smil

anded on the bite marks trailing down the exposed skin of her delicate neck,collarbone a


ai walked out of the room,down the

ealtà stavo venendo a trovarti,"He grinne

way to see you."} {"Hea

face."Se sai che l'ho presa, perché caz

er,why the fuck,then,

ke Nikolai's word to heart.H

forehead as he jumped like a kid who had been given his favourite candy."Yes!Fucking yes!"He stopped an

nd Guilia Russo.Send my instructions that they must be at the wedding venue right on the time stated on the car


would make Camilla Russo


for r

s the

now?👀Don't hesitate to sha


nd kis


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