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The Cursed Alpha: A Wolf at Night and a Human by Day

The Cursed Alpha: A Wolf at Night and a Human by Day


Chapter 1 The Nightmare

Word Count: 1106    |    Released on: 21/04/2024


p, gloomy silence enveloped the premises. The air felt denser than ever as

the school environment. My gaze was fixed on the

ches me from behind as it felt l

ring my clothes away. My bones cracked; reconfiguring

ks- my flesh slowly tearing out as I transformed into a werewolf-a monstrous, terrifying figure; tall and muscular, with fur as black as nig

assive paws as the wind whippe

sound that seemed like a guttural growl- springs

n't sure about. I remained calm for a moment looking at it expecting

ded, it's full moon, you may now

ompletely littered with peeling paint, dusty windows, and cobwebs hanging from the corners. The first approach was quite gentle but the

squarely, i

else you will have no control over yourself includin

out of my control, I couldn't get a hold of myself anymo

ck?” I asked in curios

ck and redeem yourself and claim back your pack from the hands of intruders.” I noticed this voice emitting

even more. The voice disappeared leaving its impact in the chasm an

slowly kissing me goodbye with

s almost complete

n, even as a werewolf my heart bubbled in anger a

quite painful but I had to do this- my hair slowly returned to its normal shape, an

dashed out to pee. It was a young girl, extrem

htening almost concluded transformat

the first entrance door open but I was just too fast to rush in. The second door befo

screams out i


s time of the night,” I yelled as my

skin with my claws like daggers, as sh

e a chicken presented to be slaughtered, she has her

eaded- with both hands split ap

ste of her flesh in my mouth. I watched the young girl's vo

. Confused a little, I reached out to perceive her a bit, the stench coming from

own eyes. She was lifeless on the ground; I stood speechless

top of my voice. I fidgeted like electric

hat?.” I as

a nigh

ke a blade slipped into my sides with my blood

f a young innocent lad. I argued as I slowly beg

the dream as I frantically pushed my whole b

till h

and blood,” I confirmed,

ong force is after my life and until I answer the cal

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