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The Cursed Alpha: A Wolf at Night and a Human by Day

Chapter 3 Oh my gosh! He's a werewolf

Word Count: 1366    |    Released on: 21/04/2024


greeted by a ton of messages, my cell

them were from Henry; His Consistency just kept giving me goos

y turning down his offer?” I asked slowl


e for him too, a part of me seems to like what he does b

going de

g my fist, and moving to

decided to send a call

voice was daring and hot. I was still trying to say something when she int

n you litt

u call this number again you won't be lucky.” She threa

ress and drag you through

dden lump grew in my neck- her vo

minutes, a sudden rush of tears gushed out from m

d fist and I grabbed my bedsheets with passio

e a coward,” I

se. Come to think of it, this dude in question just

y to control my overflowing tears

to have a taste of my cherry and after that

player like that, I mean he played me for a

my right han

ks, who knows how many more lies he has left to reveal, such a pathetic f

less as a part of me

, I'm such a fool to never have seen this up till now.” I

how since then he's just been all over the place - my messages, my call logs,

epts me,” I muttered these words in a soft tone

ice whisper

esn't accept y

st the way he did for me; believin

do but I must do it and whatever comes o

open the door heading straight to Henry's apartment- Thanks

s Apar

s Apartment -and as of this time, it was

nd cozy. I could hear creepy sounds like the guttural growl of acres as I approached his doorpos

usly even if there were still traces of light from the other neighbor

r handle clockwise and boom! The d

acking me - it was half human, half wolf. I couldn't see the face, all I could see were excess hair

ically congealed like an oil put in an old b

couldn't feel

ar, shaking as I was just to

mething bad must hav

scared as the voice of gu

nds, I solilo

look of things his door was left halfway open meaning something bad mu

eeping through the entire room. The werewolf was still facing backward, carefull

antically ran out of the room with

were its loud steps and creepy dreadful sound. My feet and entire

to call the Police when sudden

I exclaimed but I

ugh another short road ca

ly- the voice sounded innocent and strong

e full moon shining at

to my mouth and my eyes constantly surveying th

to know even if I was swallowed by fear. The werewolf seemed to be in a h

conversation but I could

hairs on its body- slowly ripping off its claw; its ankles and bones cracked as its mo

blur. My hands formed an extremely tight clench as I whis


a as its re reechoed in my hea

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