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Two different edges

Chapter 3 Unresolved feeling

Word Count: 716    |    Released on: 23/04/2024


: Unresolve

mind buzzed with a whirlwind of emotions. Seeing him again after all these year

here they had left off as if no time had passed. But beneath the surface, there was a nagging sense of unease

h that had been weighing on her for so long. But another part of her hesitated, afra

o was grappling with feelings he couldn't quite put into words. She had caught glimpses of something in his eyes du

o paper would bring her some clarity. But as she stared at the blank page before he

She knew that she couldn't ignore the unresolved feelings swirling inside her forever, but she also knew that confronting them would

n't help but wonder if the risk might be worth it—if the chance to final


onflicting emotions. Seeing Emily again after all this time had stirre

vering the bond they had once shared. But beneath the surface, there was a nagging sense of doubt—a fe

h that had been weighing on him for so long. But another part of him hesitated, afra

ing with feelings she couldn't quite put into words. He had caught glimpses of something in her eyes during

ld ease the turmoil inside him. But as he scrolled through his inbox, his mind kept drifting b

new that he couldn't ignore the unresolved feelings swirling inside him forever, but he also knew that confronting them would mea

't help but wonder if the risk might be worth it—if the chance to finall

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