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My Alpha Soccer Player

Chapter 3 Kayla Reid

Word Count: 1358    |    Released on: 25/04/2024

ck it and find out that it’s my alarm. When I was asleep I’m certain I thought red

the cafeteria before everything is

thing I am. When we arrive I take the table that is far away from almost everyone’s line of site but also not at the back because that’s where most people are sitting. I send a text to Kali and Kaze in our g

ho looks like the human version of Barbie. They are both smiling at the camera and its captioned roommie with a bunch of hearts. I like the photo but when I’m about to comment a few fire

retty I have to look away then look back at him just to make sure he is real. And he is. He looks like the most enchanting angel to ever exist. He looks lik

time to take a quick look at them. The one on the right has messy curly hair that make him look like a golden retriever personified and is tall as fuck and the one on the left has long hair tied in a ponytail and has really full lips. He also looks like he doe

it here” He looks stunned as if no one has ever refused him ever in his life which I can bet my left tit might be true. He looks at his fr

in before he could answer the first question “And I’m not eating

am so we’ve been here

y then I go back to my pho

looking at me then shaking his head as if he doesn’t believe what just happened. “Kayla oh my god what was Alvin saying to you. Did he want your n

told you you say

ling what d

able, obviously I refused.” I motion

the table or something” I’m flailing my arms as I speak because I’m suddenly not sure I did the right thing by not moving like I was told to. Kali peeks at the side of the table then grins at me

, of cause something like this would happen to you” she throws her head back in hysterical laughter “this is so funny do you even know w

he is the only son of Luna Maria Walker who is also the president of

ready to go order only for my eyes to meet Alvin who clearly just heard what I just said. For fucks sake now I feel bad. Kali starts laughing even

him a text cursing him out because why not. I go to sleep with the hope that tomorrow will be a better first day than any of th

t was nice see


s amongst those people. So the only person I can think of is Alvin but how did Alvin get my number and why is he calling

I hate con

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