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My Alpha Soccer Player

Chapter 7 Kayla

Word Count: 1236    |    Released on: 30/04/2024

cides its enough and walks towards me. I instantly panic and try to run but as

ngel voice of his. God. “What you’re not going to tell me to

to me about yesterday you were very rude. I felt disrespected”he continues. “oh my god you’re such a shit pers

front of everyone. And I’m doing you a favour by

his hand in messy hair like he is some kind of a main character in a teen movie. His scent hits me right in the face. Fuck him because why does he smell so good. “I am, you would be too if you looked like me” he smirks “but really you owe me a big ass apology. I have a r

hool because of some stupid table. Though I really don’t think I should say sorry for it, he is a jerk for m

d feelings” I say avoiding the words ‘I’m sorry’ like a plaque. “Okay t

wash your hands after peeing” I sta

I said about him not washing his hands after peeing makes me fold my arms tighter around me. “We don’

uestion about Margaret. He is not confusing me with someone else is he? “Fine I’ll humour you” we do the pinkie promise and he is grinning so

gs as if that makes perfect sense to him. I look to my sides as if someone w

not close, like you’re so far off I

n calling you t

eyebrow or at least I think I do. “Well I mean no. . .anyway what’

e just to flex that I know his and he doesn’t know mine. Instead of g

Margaret” he goes to leave

He looks at me for a while as if

ort” “Don’t you dare” I threaten but he just side steps me then

a jerk to me. But I can’t help it. And being associated with someone like him is not what I’m looking for right now, it’s not part of the plan. It’s a good thing we agreed we didn’t want to be friends


at her parents are taking the opportunity to travel since she is at school. She sounds bummed about it but I’m not known for my comforting sprit so I just change the subject which seems to be right thing to do because she immediately pecks up and sta

at because the more days went by without her the more I was spiralling with different types of fucked up scenarios. By the time were both too


ooking for

he should stop sending me me

lly mind his

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