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Word Count: 2519    |    Released on: 26/04/2024

dle the insecurities and unrequited questions of the netizens about the mysteries once again, but my m

house is decorated with photos of my missing sister. My best

Stacy? Please help me fin

OW. 9 A

the whole night and the whole of today too. I star

s like an eternity. I can't wait to find out the meaning of this message. W

y asks, setting a cup of steaming co

this alone.” I respond, taking a sip of my coff

t think you should go. You don't even know this lady. Everyone has been scared to death to give yo

d to my sister. And at this point, even the tiniest bit of clue is crucial. So what she is trying to tell me hurts. "Look, I am not letting even a slight

esperation mean nothing to her. "And what if this is a trap, huh

his time, so I expect her to be spontaneous and say, "Everything hangs on a 50-50 balance. And I am leaning

his," she sighs, trying to cloak her disapproval, but I am neither blind nor foolish. I

and why I have to do this. At least try to be understanding, if not supportive. You are beginning to s

n't the way to tackle this? Irma, what if that mes

soning. I think I am the only one who understands the weight of losing my sister. Neither my friend

my cold, despotic boyfriend, racks. “What message ar

sed to be. We are no longer the people who were planning our wedding. Everything changed when my sister disappeared becau

but the arrogant jerk doesn't even respond

hind his haughtiness and beneath the coldness he emanates, lies a man whom I see a bright future with. That

ring to my feet. I walk around the table with open arms to hug my boyfriend and sample a little bit

ingle with an unfamiliar chill. I am petrifi

he never even once treated me in such a manner. His icy disposition was seldom this extreme


Irma! What is happening tonight?” He qu

happened to babe, my love, and all

ath to soothe my

hing that I think might lead me somewh

if I said something that riled his internal co

seat, scraping his head

e authorities, huh? Why are you obstinate and bent

e menacing manner in which he calculates his movements as h

haven't done anything plausible in their previous disappearances. But this is different. It is my sister’s life that we ar

ith my approach to rescuing my sister, but how dare he laugh at me a

I am scared of what will happen to

d. Madness? This, what I am doing to find my missing sister, is madness to hi

re going about this whole thing!" He roars. So unapologetic. "You are a mere journalist, Irma, not a police officer! If you want to do something, your articles are more t

so worked up? Does he care this much for me,

were you in my shoes, would you be seated down with arm

een heat between us, but today it's burning differently. This is not the fire of

n a very dangerous path. Only God knows where it will lead you. At lea

s last words before I left the club last night bang wi

ous path. You will not like the ou

e weight and dread in

ng at him with a deadly glare and comp

bold. So un

t you are talking

me last night, so definitely, you know something, so speak the fuck up!” I am squea

re losing your mind. You are becoming so paranoid, trying to connec

ly?” I ask, unable to cra

he is against me investigating this. And how coincidental

k can I utter the same words that you heard from some fucking stranger that I didn't even know you met? And what ex

t him who is acting paranoid now? I didn't insinuate anything even somewhat analogous to what he was imply

Are we done here? Like, is he contemplating leaving right now? Like this? “In case you have forgotten, I run a shippi

art, and I think it tore i

insult you.

is as good as an insult, and I won't have any o

n't you seem to understand me, Dan?” I ask, a tear

me to break down.

s or not. Decide whether you will stop going after criminals, which isn't part of your job

middle of all that I am going through, this is what he has to say “Then I am sorry, Dan!” I speak, stopping him at the door. He turns around, and our eyes lock. “There is

ds hi

e. Then he adds again. “I wish you all the luck in you

ft me floating in a quagmire of thoughts. I didn’t ev

is words, his action

walks over to me. It seems like s

oulder since my sister disappeared. My sister is missing, the only family that I have, and my fiance of

but I am doing my be

just go heat your coffee. It will be a good remedy,” Mary say

n’t have


fee instead of her co

ryone acti

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