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Word Count: 1555    |    Released on: 26/04/2024

make sense of the predicament I was in, was the one who kept staring at him. He is making a great effort to disprove my gut feeling that he is a good man. and that there is no basis for any of these

I came close to passing out in the car bec

as in h

e middle of

area, because I did not recogniz

character who would not put up with being questioned, particularly by someone such as me. However, s

me that we are in a parking lot as his ic

sense of unfamiliarity smacks me. There's a building called the Lexa Hotel, and all I can scan around are a


econd of his time. I obey his orders. You don't want to mess with Nigerians like him. He swings t

to be so damn challenging. I'm almost sprinting, and him? He's not even breaking a sweat over it. A

er at the fire in his eyes. “You shut up and just follow me if you know what is good for you. And you better not piss me off because I will perso

and that betrayer, Mary, the she-Judas, he knows them? Does that mean he also has an i

led to look down and discard my question. “What the fuck did I say just

was just a trap set for me. I nearly had a heart attack upon discovering that my boyfriend was the one responsible for my kidnapping. From taking my sister hostage to keeping me from

of this other nightmare under the guise of a black messiah who, unfortunately, seems to be well knowledgeable

ucking lips sealed!” He made re

l. Merely a handful of people are savoring their meals as I survey the area during my short-lived chance to cruise my eyes around. Not particularl

, sir, or

lady behind the counter. His r

he hold some kind

and his partners in c

n on his face, he nods h

grabs for one particular card. With her head still pointing downward, she hands it

e. When the elevator opens, he shoves me in first, and then he follows me into the stuffy

unfriendly aura together. It would not be this strong. I

ling the odds of this day while resting my h

while an inexorable lance of

hat I thought I knew so well have turned into total strangers to me today. Friends to enemies is our current situation right now. I can only see t

hell he wants from me first. If he has any clues about my sister’s whereabouts,.

is man. Daniel and that bitch are to blame for all these mishaps. And, oh, they prepared their rotten asses for me. For messing with my sis

and soul. We take a few corners that I don’t really pay much attention to. It is obvious that I am in a place that I don’t know

swiping the card, he beckons me inside. The door slams shut, and I lean motionless agai

a spacious dining area and liquor parlor, and the most comfy bed I have ever seen in a sleeping area, this actually looks like a real house. The d


l the way to the high heav

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