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You Are Being Obscene, I Am Going Mad: Joining Hands to Rectify the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 9 Crude Words, Sound Logic, But A Little Too Crude

Word Count: 1480    |    Released on: 26/04/2024

ield." As the mysterious guest whose identity had not been guessed, she naturally earned the first pick of the rooms

vided an expansive view and was less likely to be dist


arrival, everyone was a seasoned industry player, and t

tment spanned

urthest from Jiang Qi Yu. To avoid any perceived partiality, Z

red to live next door to someone who consistently oppose

eted role as the heiress, Jiang Ling nevertheless sweetly chose

despite her longing for the open-air garden,

nd floor, the women on the third, and Ji

ed, the production team gave everyone an h

oms, viewers started furiously typing out the

initely on purpose! Handsome Lu Heng is in 2

to say it, so they used the 'I live above you, you live b

forever! Locked the co

Heng and Jiang Mian, viewers spontaneously pai

u Shun and Jiang Ling look good t

he truly matched pair! Pop prince

eacher? Who does our Sp

everyone excluded her? No need t

be with Fang Xu Bai! Crazy fema

ch! Do you not feel any conscien

a dating show, but with anyone other than Spe

cold, right? Since it's an underdog

be obscure but let's not ma


ion team gathered the well-organized participants on the living roo

ctionalities of the phone. Each phone contained a special social networki

ve Know

aspect is the complete transparency in using this application. All messages, communications, and posts in the "Friends of Romance Circle" could be displayed on the live broadcast

ove Knows APP has a

of chats, it calculates th

w will automatically appear, where users can rate the o

tion points will enjoy special p

re is an anon

e message to their crush in secret. Neither the audience nor the recipient will know the

their new smartphones. Jiang Qi Yu, however, immediately went to the app store upon receiving her phone and

w was going to be a hit, and as the script's golden finger holder, it’d be wasteful not to take advantage of it. Even

red life while showing off her post-meal fruit with a smal

of Understanding Love's Ni

name implies, involved gathering everyo

essions the guests had of each other, and t

Zhang posed tonigh

hink a real pe

cal question, the guests wer

able impression on everyone, but

cally straightforward,

e actions match their w

ed for a moment

a person, hearing is fal

ed and came out w

ne who isn't fake

ncing at Jiang Mian beside he

ocritical and not covering your

the implied meaning in her words a

incerity, treating ever


to see that Jiang Qi Yu showed no intention of speaking. He then adop

, it's b

Jiang Mian and instantly explod

ooking at Mian Mia

a real person is beautiful' or 'she is beau

g them, lock th

or me, my Lu Mian ship


n frenzy, a voice, neither hurried nor slow, emerged, bre

ing guys and beauties you see online might just be the product of technolog

he increasingly shocked gazes of those

ounter, no need to doub

eed when you left the li

e crude but sound, isn'

omance, and you, my boy, come

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