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Revenge, regret and redemption

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1077    |    Released on: 15/05/2024

ne of the members sitting in a boardroom for a meeting uttered, standing up when they were discussing the cases that are supposed to be al

es announced, his voice booming in the boardroom, filled with authority and dom

m?” A fema

ton, the head of Dark Sun Syndicate asked, narrowing his eyes at

rson and replied “Why would I have a problem with it sir? He is perfect for this case” the blonde replied whi

ted, and not everyone was lucky to see him. He was always in the dark,

reply, pleased with

Grover?” Jared’s assistant asked, amus

e head members of teams

ion. And there he was, the dark lord that grabs everyone's attenti

eir eyes wide, the blonde who just murmured something st

lly flexing his muscles with his plain white button down shirt and black leather jacket, paired with black trousers, his hair combe

de Jared, his grey stormy eyes flicking to everyone while the black masquerade

w tightened as his eyes turned a shade of dark, his aura chang

, anger boiling in his hear

Jared pointed out at the projector

nd already working on the plans to destroy Adrian. He can fin

ving for vengeance, his obsession to have Adrian’s head hung at

ountries as slaves, forcing teenagers to have drugs and blackmailing their parents for money, he is trying to expand hi

hatever Jared planned his punishment for, he is going to break all t

ry kid’s peace if he dies, to know that they won’t be suffered by th

asked quietly while everyone else i

o one that fell in his hands was alive. Even if they w

emed to have a few features of Adrian, her smile contagious, but her

in, plumpy cheeks, button nose, Hazel colour eyes with grey specks, doe eyes, heart shaped

ing in each of her features, her pain

the only daughter he shows to the world” Jared ans

ed like this is the woman that’s no longer going to have a father anymore and

ond family. She runs a fashion house, very famous in her field. So you can take her help to have him arrested

tention for a while, so don’t throw any cases at me” Kieran stood up, pushing his chair back and walked out of

er to make sure Adria

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