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Chapter 4 Agreement

Word Count: 855    |    Released on: 30/04/2024


like staying in the party anymore. My wolf was upset at seeing her mate with another, so I lef

s werewolf was big. The wolf was two times my size and it was so fast that i

ired, so we laid on the grass. The cool breeze of the night caressed our fur.

I urged Alyssa to run away, but she was

the darkness. It made us shiver in fear. We sud


own. The wolf growled, its

ith death during the pack party, but at

est. It jumped on us. Alyssa whimpered. The wolf pinned us to the ground. We were scared. I didn't know when we began crying, but we did. We closed our eyes anti

ho won the fight, I ju

into another mighty wolf, this particular wol

k eyes, I could

. this

ght?" Rylan m


s it?"


lt your fear, someone was

e to the topic, this is actually the first time I've seen him i

but it isn't

that wolf," h

want to go home

oodshed because of me and if Rylan acted r

ly the pull of the ma

is anger

e home,

en't home; they were probably with our Alpha. I went

e them. I also took my dad's clo

s..." I screamed and

aughed, taking th

you were in your human

. "But I will mis

. craz

done, you can op

u dare li

m n

ned m

ilt body. I always hated it when my dad dressed like this. I would curse the clothes

e since my dad is an ome

nking your choice of

s. "Of course not, I still

good because I have


bond for me, then I'll gladly break the bond and get mated with her

ng that I was already g

really happy bu

le to convince Rylan t

I just experienced, instead, I

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