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The Billionaire's Substituted Bride

Chapter 6 6

Word Count: 1081    |    Released on: 30/04/2024

o had no plans to talk to anyone at home either, but when Olivia would no

, Olive," she said the mo

hi for picking up yo

d, Olive. The Campbells will be her

presence is needed,

the Williams. Your

, I do

ck home right now. Don't make me repeat

e to go," Lucy s

it tomorrow

Lucy goodbye befor

me," Olivia said when I

," I mumbled and she

did yo

lking to you

s.". My mom handed

ave to me. "Y-you don't exp

ave time for this.


." my dad announced. "I

oom," my mom said and I sighed. "Olivia, ask Mary to do a

ary if I

Olivia answered a

your room now."

get dressed in the dres

I wondered, staring a

ock on my door

is th

I left my room and followed Hannah downsta

y parents and Olivia. A man and woman around my parents' age and a younger man and woman. I presume the older man and woman as the f

s twin" my dad introduc

e slightly and

me to say or do? Or maybe w

rried to?" I asked after a while, sta

mom cooed

the spoon in front of me. I also felt v

ng to eat?" I wh

" my mom whispered

ke sure to

ionship with your second dau

eplied quickly and

o bold." the older wo


are outspoken. It's surprising to know th

I answered

ell what is going on in her mind. She doesn't complain about a th

a good thing to hear. She is the

mean the perfect tool f

The older woman as

of any im

She faced the other woman. "I am sorry, M

how outspoken she is," Mrs Campbell s

nodded. "I

about business while we waited for food to be served. I stared at the young man who had not said a word

e siblings.

young man that something was going on between them. I remembe

e and still want my sister? Isn't that taking a

on between the older men. Olivia was also interested in whatever th

tting married to?" I asked and h

ister is getting married t

to you," I answere

re so

the one shamelessly throwing herself over a

ttitude first before talking about mine? I can see you

er brows, pulling them cl

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