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The Billionaire's Substituted Bride

Chapter 8 8

Word Count: 1017    |    Released on: 30/04/2024

s too lazy to stand up, so I covered up my ears with a p

ought. But why would she

phone on the table and tried to sleep but when I could not, I sat up. The knocking had stopped and I thought whosoever was knocking had l

and headed to the bathroom to take my bath before get

Are you there? Open the door". Her

g on? I wondered,

ming," I

rushed in. "Where is Olivia?

Olivia from me? Why is she looking so worried lik

think we shared such a close relationship to make

ven't seen Olivia? She di

trying to say. Why would Olivia speak to me

re talking about. Why wo

question. Have you seen her? Did

t seen her. I should be asking you if you saw her.

" My mom mumbled not

ve you checked her in her

e if she was in her room?" My m

t if she is not, she can be in the kitchen

on't you get that? So you had better start talking.

s either. Do you think she went out?". I shook my head. "Olivia would

ed in. "Have you found her? Did

not know where Olivia is too?

has happened to her?" My m

o her? Maybe she ste

o that? Did you?!" My

via does not like my way of life. Wh

keep your

sing. I could not ask them about breakfast or my mom will be pissed off and yell at me. I watched them whisper a few

ed to Olivia. We might not have a good sister relationship but she is my sister after all. What go

d she be?

always had her door locked when she was not around like she had something to hide. I walke

nyone can do that without being caught. Her bed was also well laid; it didn't se

e this? I wondered but s

roducts you can think of; m

If she had, that means she left the house at her

and just like I predicted, the

thought. Olivia would never do that; I am the craze

nce she will be getting married soon? I nodded in

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