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Regal Obsession

Regal Obsession


Chapter 1 AALIYAH

Word Count: 1548    |    Released on: 30/04/2024

ng my eyes, hoping it would help, but no luck. I could hear voices, especia

I finally saw Mom and Jamal, my big brother, on the floor, with t

ut to Mom, scare

to comfort me, even though tears

?" I bawled, tears streaming down my fac

r voice shaky. The man holding her slap

e man gripping me. He just

is!" the man deman

Mom cried, her

k your kids' lives f

ease don't hurt t

ounded as another guy pulled out a gun and

lding me turned me to face h

last thing I noticed was t

The same nightmare keeps haunting me, but the

I can't even remember them, but I wake up feeling like something awful

ling asleep. I only manage to doze off when I'm completely

king up late, which means I'm probably in for it now

lf, knowing my aunt's going to burst i

n bed at this hour, you lazy

are," I replied

give a damn about

't know," I sai

that was wishful thinking. This woman in front of me doesn't have an ounce of compassion

clared, stretching deliber

t to the chores," she orde

em? She's here, isn

an?" Aunt Tanika advanced t

Can't Keisha do chore

aw her glaring at me with pure hatred. "As long as you're l

metimes, I wonder if

m that orphanage. We should've just

inging me if you were going to t

rother isn't here. You and your worthl

t my mother! Mom love

only with my brother fo

ak about her like

ndle the truth

because I know you'r

for his money. I can't fathom how she managed to stick aroun

essed with her?" I asked, bewildered by her intense animosity to

ime I look at you, I'm reminded that he

myself for Dad's death. It's like a dark cloud hanging over me since it happened. I can't

of constantly reminding me of what I did. Just focus on your own family,"

painful memories. Why does s

ace a long time ago, but

happening to me, but Aunt Tanika's behavior really gets on my nerves. I've already lo

to anyone, and no matter what Aunt Tanika does or says

. Luckily, I didn't run into anyone when I stepped outside. However, I not

a coincidence. I shook it off and headed to the café where I work part-time. When

hen I arrived. Kaylee and Kevin were both olde

here's Kevin?"

Wow, looking great as always. You're really rocki

I asked, a

aylee chimed in with a smile. I was wearing black p

be I should take some style

" Kevin reassured her, then he hea

ht?" Kaylee asked me,

I was

e," she said, gentl

then quickly moved behind the counter. I kept mysel

ng in now, so make sure to serve them well,

red, trying to

ning when Kevin insisted. I went to the store room to rest, w

h birthday. It's the only thing I have left from her. I miss my family terr

to save me, and sometimes I wish I had been the one to die that da

in. I struggle to remember faces from the past, and my doctor says

vidly: the man who destroyed my family

e did. He can't live a good life after causing me so m

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