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The Devil's Curse

Chapter 3 Blood and Fire

Word Count: 2865    |    Released on: 02/05/2024

ave been brought to Earth by the ancient ones, the gods and goddesses who shaped the world. Th

, his eyes filled with a str

his voice growing darker. "T

r. "A weapon that can destroy as easily as it can heal. For with it, one can

aze moving from John

by the ancient ones and their servants, hidden f

"the darkness is growing, Iian Kelar's power is spreading like a cancer acr

n his sword. "Then we must find it first,"

ination. "Where is the Holy Grail?" he demanded,

he Grail is?" he said, his voice full of mockery. "You might as well ask me where the lost city of At

ned, his eyes nar

rl, "if I did not believe in the power of the Grail? I know it ex

es exist," he said, his voice dark with fear, "no one knows where it is. It

eyes na

l search the world, from the highest mountain to the deepest sea. We will find the dis

ice a whisper of fear. "The disciples who hid the stone left this world long ago. And ev

his voice filled with a strange resolve. "We will find the clues, and we will find the holy grail

ou will not find the Grail , John," he said, his voice

dent Amber had began going through ancient scro

em like a leaden cloak. Around them, the ancient tomes and scrolls seemed to

ands moved deftly through the pages of an ancient

ped, her eyes wid

med, her voice a b

as he examined the page. "What is it, Ambe

ith awe. "It's a clue, left by James, one of the disciples of Christ. He says, 'In the place where the

widened with

ization. "James must have hidden the holy Grail in the catacombs,

there," she said, her voice filled with determination. "We

"It will not be easy," he sai

quest for the Grail was met with a moment of silence. John

is voice filled with skepticism. "I tho

the Grail does not fall into the wrong hands," he said, his voice

And how can I trust that you won't turn on us, pr

he said, his voice steady. "I will not betray y

of respect in his eye

and fears. Victor's presence added an extra layer of complexity to their journey, but John k

of the dead and the secrets of the past whispering in the shadows. John led th

s of their footsteps echoed through the darkness. John could feel the weig

from behind a wall, the tip of

growled, his hand moving

whisper. "I sensed their presence as wel

e figure in the shadows. "Who are you

ch illuminating his face. He was tall and musc

d with a strange mixture of fear and ha

Victor, a silent questi

ice low and dangerous. "You a

d Eye will have their revenge on you, John Mariq duhe," he spat, hi

hilt of his sword, his muscle

whom," he growled, his voi

em fierce and unrelenting. Victor moved to join the fight

terrible. The air crackled with energy, the sound of thunder filling the catacombs.

ear and wonder, watched as

e Third Eye wants to use the Holy Grail to bend the world to their will," he growled, his voice

a deadly precision. "And what of Iian Kela

twisted with a

at. "He has already begun to harness the power of the

he darkness. "Then we must stop him," he growled, his voice low and dangerous

k another of the Third Eye's soldiers. "We must mov

esperation. "I need you to cast a spell to get

nding. "John, I can only open a gateway for a moment.

once more, the energy within him th

e hunger within him pushing

glowing with energy. The ground beneath them shudd

ice a desperate plea. "Go n

h deadly intent. He drove the Third Eye's sol

ared, his voice filled with

umbled through the portal, Tunde's

iers, their swords flashing with deadly skill. With a sudden bu

oice echoing through the

sword flashing as h

battle echoing behind him, the gateway began to clo

face twisted with desperation. "Th

rcus's chest. With a snarl, he turned and ran for the por

battle echoing behind him, the gateway began to clo

face twisted with desperation. "Th

rcus's chest. With a snarl, he turned and ran for the por

way crackling around him as it closed. He tumbled int

slowly, the light of the world began to retu

utched in his hand. Tunde, Amber, and Victor

murmured, his voic

odded. "We made it," he whispered. "But the Third

"We must move quickly," he said. "We must

rface gleaming with an inner light. "The next clue is i

I found it on the ground," he said, his voice quiet. "It was near one

stone. "You saw the soldier who carried it

his voice low. "He was one of

come from the Third Eye," he growled, his voice a low snarl. "They must

ith us," he said, his voice heavy with fear. "They are using us t

rn. "What can we do?" she asked

clues they leave behind to find the Holy Grail before they can," he growled, his v

said. "The Third Eye will stop at nothing to see us fail. We

, his gaze fixed on

led with determination. "It must contain a message, a s

are runes carved into its surface," he murmured, his voice low and

er burning within him. "What d

are in a language I have never seen before," he said, his voice low an

out to the stone. "Concentrate," he growled, his voice

is mind reaching out int

entration, began to glow, its surface

his voice filled with co

ntorted with pain, his

d, his voice a whispe

ry of pain, Tunde

hud, its surface glowing w

to spread, the fiery glow expanding

, her face pal

r cried, his voic

it seemed to rise, a column of blue flame r

lash, the flame disappeared, leavin

smoke, his eyes f

doorway, the edges of which had been buri

rmured, his voice a

h wonder. "It's a tomb," she said, her voic

ging within him. "This is where the

ded, his f

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