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The Devil's Curse

Chapter 2 _ the Holy Grail

Word Count: 1771    |    Released on: 02/05/2024

ness, his thoughts swirling with confusion and doubt. He had come to th

the burden of his curse and the weight of the creature's words. But as h

r redemption or salvation, but for t

e ancient magic of his homeland and Foreign lands as he has traveled the world brewing his Dark arts craft to perfection .John had seen his magic display while he was on a business trip in Nigeria ,He w

lf confronted by a wall of silence, the air heavy with

lock, his eyes fixed on

like the rustle of leaves in the wind. "They say you are a c

one many terrible things, Tunde," he admitted. "But I seek to e

on unreadable. "Why should I help you

e of history, Tunde. To end this war before it consumes us all. I do not come to you as a conqueror or a tyrant, but

silent, his eyes distant as

he nodded. "V

or the Holy Grail. But know this: the Grail will not grant you redempt

for redemption. It is a weapon, a tool to be wielded against our enemies.

arrowed, his e

t on the history of the Holy Grail. Their journey was filled with peril, the Third Eye and I

ral with walls that seemed to reach to the heavens. Inside

ictor said, his eyes

. "You have the nerve to stand before me, a creature of darknes

ith an unwavering stare. "I have come for your knowledge

ed in rage. "You are a murderer, a creatur

duhe," Victor said, his words cold and final. "A

or. "I cannot leave, Victor," she said, her voice trembling. "Jo

ed. "Amber, do not b

in John Mariq duhe. He is a murderer, a creature of darkness. If you choose to side with

n Victor and John, her heart

r voice a whisper. "But I see the good in h

rising. "He will bring only darkness and destruction. He

rd. "I have not come here to fight you, Victor," he said,

nd moving to the cross at his neck. "You will find no

ature. But he is not without reason. The Third Eye, Iian Kelar... they threaten to plunge the w

t," he spat, his voice seething with hatred."You are a fool, Victor," Tunde said, his eyes glinting with ancient wisdom. "Jo

e swayed by your words, warlock," he said, his voice filled wit

ard, his hand on his sword. "I will not be turned away, Victor," he growled, his eyes glowing with the hu

s voice filled with righteous anger. "The power of God is my shield."The power of God may be your shield, Victor," J

hoing through the ancient cathedral. Victor, his face pale with f

q ," Victor said, his voic

veled at the priest's throat. "But you will give me w

to Amber, her face a mas

ctor pleaded, his voice strained with desperat

ere wide, her

each passing day. If we do not act now, the world will be plunged into darkness. Wil

not listen to him," he hissed. "He is a

ohn and Victor, the weight of he

r, you have been a friend and a mentor to me. But John... he is not what you say he

dened, his eyes b

arled. "You are blinded by yo

white, Victor. There is darkness in all of us, but there is also light. John may be a

u have chosen your side," he spat, his hand dropping from

illed with conviction. "I have chosen to stand with John Mari

k to the three of them. His shoulders were sl

darkness. "I will aid you in your quest. But know

oice low and dangerous. "Tell us what we must kno

them, his face lined w

t a cup, as many believe. It is a stone, a crystal of unimaginab

he hunger within him s

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