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My Dream Companion is Mr. Billionaire

Chapter 4  Chapter 4 : The Coincidence

Word Count: 2943    |    Released on: 01/05/2024

g with amusement. "Lost, are we? Perhaps seeking a


e his stoic facade, a flicker of suspicion flickered in his eyes.

nked at us. "Why are all of you so cautious, relax guys." He grinned so innocent

ourse." He held out a hand adorned with a massive ring, wiggling his fingers sugge

e. "Attention seeker, huh?" As I said in my mind, I smirked at h

ed to crave attention, I could pot

icament. You see, we'd like to escape this dreamscape..." My voice trailed off, leaving th

too quickly. "Ah, a predicament of... escape, perhaps? Or

ybe a little of both, Zylor," I conceded, my voice barely a whisper. "But woul

you have a most... practical way of looking at things! Very well, intrigued I am. Tell me, what are you willing to offer in

g, silencing Zylor mid-chuckle. "True sight is earned, not given. The t

pines. Zylor's carefully constructed facade faltered for a moment, a flicker of unease cros

ted at the unseen entity. He received no reply, onl

is face. "Ah, well, it seems we have a bit more to con

g shadow over Zylor's flamboyant demeanor. We exchanged a silent glance, a newfound understanding passing between us. We were no longer just los

of white. The next instant, I was jolted awake, the sheets tangled ar

Disappointment washed over me. The strange yet exhilarating dream felt so real. The feelings, the conversat


tering the remnants of a strange dream. I sat up, the cool marble floor sending a familiar

cool marble floor sending a shiver down my spine. "Why did all of that

tical story my subconscious had conjured. Yet, a nagging feeling wouldn't let go. The way I f

y window as my driver navigated the morning traffic. As my driver navigated the morning traffic, I pulled out my tablet, curiosity gnawing at me. "M

rete, nothing that resonated with the intensity of the dream. Was I hoping for something? Maybe a confirmation of fate, a validation of the dream's bizarre

y attention – "Electric touch, connection, soulmate?" Having the jolt of elec

ssibility? A strange mix of skepticism and a flicker of hope we

entertaining the idea of soulmates? A derisive snort escaped my lips. Still, the link beckoned,

ulling to a stop jolte

n my ever-changing world. Stepping out of the car, I steeled myself for anothe

m my Aunt Sarah. Her voice, always brimming with

d in response, scanning the day's sch

y," she continued, seemingly ob

pped from m

easant the previous one was?" As if anticipating my objection, Sarah rambled on,

exactly instilled confidence in my aunt's judgment. "Not like the last one, trust me. This

a break from the stream of clueless part-timers. Perhaps

eased with her..." she paused, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial w

t get your hopes up." My words hung heavy in the ai

"If you ever do fall in love, don't come begging me for help, alrigh

, the memory of the dream pushing its way back into m

licker of anticipation momen

liar. She wore a pair of glasses perched on the bridge of her nose, almost scholarly appearance, adding a touch of sharpness to her featur

ed me. This couldn't be... could it? My breath caught in my throat, eyes filled with a flicker of recognition and a hint of disbelief.

usual saccharine sweetness I'd come to expect from

ging her introduction. "Pleased to meet you,

e of your secretary. Thank you for allowing me this

ing directness to her, a clear line drawn between professionalism and anything remotely personal. This initial imp

; it was meticulously organized, color-coded tabs highlighting sections. A small, leath


accharine sweetness I'd come to expect from past secretaries, replaced by a delightful blend o

she continued, extend

e of your secretary. Thank you for allowing me this

ence that captivated me. There was an aura of effortless poise about her, a stark contrast to the string of incompetent

anization. Color-coded tabs highlighted sections with a meticulous precision, each one a testament to her efficie

d with a quiet authority that belied her seemingly youthful appearance,

oured years of experience into a stunningly beautiful vessel. Here, in front of me, sat the perfect solution to my secretarial woe

d, handing her the

ghness. Her eyes, a shade of cool blue that seemed to hold a hint of intelligence, dart

lining the compensation package. It wasn't a greedy smile, but rath

into a discussion about the policy, her questions insightful and her understanding swift. It was a refreshing

, a lopsided smile playing on my lips. "So, Ms. Serene, are you still in

stoic demeanor to a certain degree. However, a spark of amusement flickered in h

to materialize from thin air. "Thank you for the beautifully pres

brief formality. I didn't register any particular jolt, focused instead on t

y she looked back at me, with a hint of hidden depths in her eyes, mirrored the woman fr

ks. "Your office is just across the hall. There's a small kitchen over there if you need to break for coffee

done, Mr. Rowan." There was a lilt in her voice,

iet confidence that radiated from her, it was everything I'd ever wanted in a secretary. And beneath

estioning tilt of her head. The way the light caught the strands of hair escaping her neat bun

in neutral. "There's a strict 'no dating' policy within

ession back into professional neutrality. "Of course, Mr. Rowan," she replied, her voice devoid of any i

in the sudden silence. Only then did I allow myself to exhale, the breath escaping my lungs in

ed definition. She was everything I needed in a secretary, and yet, there was something more. The way her eyes held a flicker of amusement du

ld it be the lingering impression of the woman from my dream? The resemblance, however fleeting, had sparked

the subconscious that rarely, if ever, intersected with reality. Evelyne Serene was a real p

as astounding. The key points of each meeting were highlighted, relevant documents prepped and arranged in a logical order. Th

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