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Word Count: 2437    |    Released on: 02/05/2024

e middle with Grey beside me. There were two heavy bodied guards standing behind us. I could spot Addy among the other vampires her

ng anything. He began smearing the ointment on my back and rubbing the swells, it was so painful but not as the one I felt when Addy hit me. A knock sounded at the door and without warning someone walked in, I closed my eyes pretending to be asleep.“I can’t believe this Grey; you seriously can’t treat a human under punishment like this. There were many of them who suffered worse than she did but you never bothered to do a thing. What makes her different ha?” it was Addy of course, and she sounded disgusted.Grey paused and looked at him, “Am not doing this because she is special Adelyn, a part of me doesn’t simply agree that she is a vamp hunter”“Don’t make any more mistakes brother, she might be pretending to be weak, then she’ll strike once everyone has come to believe her” she sounded alarmed and trying to be cautious.“Before that happens, I will have discovered and warned everybody about her” he continued Appling the ointment“This one got you on your softest side, I have never seen you this caring to anybody, not even your step brother. This is crazy you know, you should have killed her and forgotten about everything. We should have been discussing something else in the council, and not her”“It might scare you that I will not show mercy to anyone who tries to harm her, not even you” he threatened darkly“Grey…“You heard me” he said with a tone of dismissal“I seriously have no idea of what has gotten into you. Just don’t regret it later” and she was gone.“Becky, I got a few questions to ask you, please be kind enough to answer me generously”“Okay, go ahead and ask” I assured him.“Do you have a sibling?”“Not any that I know of, as good as I can remember, am the only child in my little family” I answered quietly“Did your father have another wife?”“Men easily do that, but you know I couldn’t know any of my father’s secrets he was a secretive man, we barely came into contact with him.”“What did your father do for a living?” he asked sitting on the bedside table“He owned multiple of businesses and had several companies to run, he was busy most of the time”“Did you ever see anything strange concerning your father or mother”“Not even once, they were marvellous parents”“Okay then, go to sleep, I got some issues I need to attend to” he rose from his position and walked towards his desk.He began manipulating things on his desk, sending e-mails, making photocopies, signing papers and all that. He looked like a manager in an office and if he would have been one, he would have made a good one. I turned the other way, my back itching as if I was being nibbled by insects. When will I ever stop hurting so everyone can believe I was innocent? Even the gods were wondering why I was suffering this much yet I was so very innocent.The forests were dark and silent, the moon above was barely useful to me. I could only see shadows and overgrown trees on my path. I walked ahead squeezing my way through long wild vines. I got my foot trapped as I squeezed through, I ended up rolling down a slanted landscape and landed in a small ditch. I groaned sitting up, brushing my hair off my face I looked around. The corner of my eye caught something that was glittering among the bushes. I rose up and walked towards the spot my hands outstretched. I was about to get at the spot when I heard a loud growl followed by a large wild cat leaping on me and growling fiercely.“Noo!” I yelped in fear.The cat glared at me curiously, I removed my hands from my face and starred at it. It was actually a black panther, I swallowed hard my heart slamming my chest wildly. The panther starred at me for some time then it placed one of its fore paw on my forehead I closed my eyes waiting to be attacked but instead I drew into another place. I was standing in Dermot’s room, he was there, and he picked his bow and arrow, passed through the secret tunnel I had escaped through. He was at the roof of the coven and a black panther came to him, he caressed its head and said.“Am going to meet the Gala myself, stay here, I might come back for you, just be a good boy” he jumped off the building and began racing off. He came to a stop in a coniferous forest, the panther was right b

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