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Chapter 6 Confrontations

Word Count: 2604    |    Released on: 02/05/2024

s Ze

uld you please

side of Zeya's bedroom door,

drowning. The bubbles around her would pop in a silent echo of the vo

oser to her chest and b

re ad

athed softly, "I just di

r mind. Through the Parent-Teacher conferences, the visi

lease just op

nts are wo

een deleted, and the

een callin

oped he'd say. A

and he stared down at her swollen eyes,

have to hear

luntarily. Not that she coul

eive a scolding for a scandalous article or t

ained strange and

d into fists that sat on her laps in a firm hold, an action she ofte

, both engulfed in a silence that was much

he climbed down the stairs. "Thank you

their side and sat beside his wife, a who

t have to lay low for a while and don't cause any more trouble. It would be nice if your romance with Koa could

fists t

ear it. The way

e bodyguards for you. You've managed to walk around with nothing but a few gossi

it hurt eve

lightly stroked his stu

t in, throwing them in

they awaited her next words. But, she just looked a

ope charged, unwilling to play whatever game

lls, ready to shoot down the pile of pins before her. Except

now, while you still had the chance, you di

ing at her accusation, none of them trying to d

this up, so I'll just go strai

ok was an expression from Penelope that s

nd his lips parted. Almost as if he had

t that they always had something to say. To render them speechles

yet another bitter

to shut me down firmly like you always do. And Dad, where's your usual na

held a weight heavier than bowling balls. It

he, and her vision blurred from

hing!" She

and a confirmation she so d

ter.." Chase said, his eyes me

best you can do?" Her voice quivered, "YOU'VE BOTH LIED TO EACH

n hardened and he slammed his hand a


are you gonna say? That I have no right to speak

outh this In

needed a third party in your charade, right? You married for a hoa

ched the crease of his forehead bl

wled. "Does that really satisfy you? Does it make you feel accomplished? Do y

this time a different lo

at she has the confidence to speak,

ope yelled, then turned to a

tect her? Even now?" Chase argue

king a terrible mistake, Chase.

thing she's said to us?! From the moment she ent

as silent,

able to move as Chas

both of them, for the second ti

ate, hurt, misunderstanding and hesitation, she was taken b

se and Penelope's hands. "There is no string. Most c

pe chorused as they scanne

of months now," Zeya continued. "It conf

ase started, and balled his fists. "We were perfectly okay..." his voice

Pen and I... Pen and I were madly inlove. Argument

at was not what broke her heart the most. It was the

is voice grew muffled, memories that

as a young Chase an

of doubt that event

g room. "I have wished that we did not bring you into our home. You

Much like he'd waited for years to fin

a faint image of what they were. What t



their memories played on a loop, her feet felt he


sed others, she had first caused her paren

ealise what they'

sper. "I really am a Witch" she

another word,

ar and in a blur. She didn't realise she was crying till she felt th

d her back, but she recalled none of that. Her body felt li

y what she needed

far from civilization. She felt she was much like a tic

pised herself, but in this moment, she

shed t

own in front of her house, tears spilling en


ternally. I f*c

rough her ears, and she looked up at him.

stained cheeks as she got to her feet. Her eyes wer

oking up at him with a death glare, a

pable of doing

eyes. "What do

y what

xactly does

en Koa scoffed, a smir

k for ruining th

uestion, or

t, because

d her eyes.

d a scoff from her. "Strangers, friends, and now, fami

re the villain taunts the Princess, because it's sure as h*ll as an

"You left one import

the h*ll

she can't refuse. And let's be

t like the hundredth time, and sh

ou're finally showing

side to side. "I let them slip from ti

I get. I totally understand. Quick question though- what t

B; don't you think you're the o

ck are you t

out a sigh. "I forgot I ha

s in complete awe of

an solve your

s I'm in, other than make me ev

image changes, it works well for your Parents as well. Think about it, 'Anti-Romance villain falls inlove'. When the world sees your 'chan

d these results? How dumb do you think

ble celebrities, and the world becomes hooked. Draw attention to an unexpected romance between a Villain and a Prince, and the world becomes

ya. And we have never onc

eya mumbled, and her fingers dug in

ing. A chance to help her parents revisit the days they so de

nd of the one person she shouldn't,

ady to swing back whatev

him, holding hi

muttered. "L

ve down her spine, and just as she was about to rescind her state

of his body engulfed her, much like the flames f


when the soft of his li

er her. It wasn't a chill, neither was it a feeling sh

our deal is seal

he had put a

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