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His Silent Mate

Chapter 3 Another Beating

Word Count: 1201    |    Released on: 03/05/2024

blood on the floor. Tired of all the beating I just got I thought of staying there for a while when I realized everyone would be awake soon and n

of the room. When I was about to pass the big pillar I heard footsteps coming n

sure she dies. If Alpha Mathias sees that she's alive he'll kill us both f

me and now wants me completely dead. I need to go down to work before anyone sees me alon

id ice, stung against my wounds, each contact a painful reminder of the torment I just endured. My reflection in t

ical scars but the haunting memories etched into my very soul. The bruises and welts were now s

e outside these steamy confines. The icy droplets, like nature's balm, numbed my pain moment

rved as a wake-up call, a sharp jolt to my senses, preparing me for the imminent challenges lurking beyond the bathr

eluge leaving my skin tingling. I took a steadying breath, steeling myself for what

my stolen dreams, welcomed me with its familiar scent of lingering herbs and memories of countless beating and meal preparations for pack members

ness that clung to the corners of my reality. The sizzle of the frying pan harmonized with the hu

practiced dance. The plates, neatly arranged, carried the sustenance t

meals, oblivious to the invisible chains binding me. As they indulged in laughter and camaraderie,

les clung to my skin like transient dreams, popping with each dish washed. The choreography of clea

g, weeding, and coaxing life from the earth became my silent rebellion. Among the blossoms, I

en. Lunch demanded its due, and I orchestrated the ingredients into a simple yet nourishing meal. The aroma w

arried. Tea, a ritual of warmth, demanded my attention next. The kettle's whistle harmonized with the hum of my

he ache of longing, the thirst for a sip of recognition. Their laughter echoed, minglin

t member of the pack. I was deep in my thoughts when I accidentally spilled the tea on Beta's daugh

I was no one

you burn me." The bet

ne cared. Then someone pulled me back holding me by my throat. When I opened my eyes I saw Alpha Mathias,

e's the most respectable person here. You

ve to be killed by an Alpha," The bet

e work I went straight to the mountain where I always go when I don't feel like stayin

ome back alive o

oes have in s

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