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His Silent Mate

Chapter 4 Scarlet's Last Days in Pack

Word Count: 2810    |    Released on: 03/05/2024

carlet sat at the edge, her legs dangling over the precipice. She gazed up at the celes

rs into her body and soul. It was as if a dark cloud of disdain followed her wherever she went, each pair of eyes that met h

e they delivered as if erasing the frail spark of hope that refused to extinguish within her. But today, even their cruelty

a friend who listened without judgment. With a voice stolen by her past trauma, the moon became her confidante.

t seemed to strangle her, the pain that felt like a constant ache within her chest, and the yearning for a l

arlet turned her head and saw another omega standing nearby, their eyes carrying a mix of concern and urgency. Without a wor

exchanging an unspoken pact. Rising slowly to her feet, she offered one last gla

ep seemed to echo the weight of her exhaustion, a poignant reminder of the trials she endured.

ined etched in her heart. In its glow, she had found solace, the moon becomi

omed her back, its familiarity bittersweet. She settled into her bed, her thoughts a chorus of

escence continued to weave its magic, casting a gentle radiance over her form, promisi

goddess, her silent plea infused with fervent hope. She prayed for her destined mate, the one

Scarlet surrendered to sleep, the moon continued its vigil, casting its gentle light over her slumberi

light caressing her like a protective embrace. The world around them seem

he trees, its voice carrying a promise of something new on the horizon. Perhaps the moon, the silen

on of forces beyond her comprehension. Destiny, like a skilled weaver, was ready to introduce an unexpected twist to her tale. The

ow that the very darkness she had endured would be the canvas upon which her resilience and strength would shine brightest. The moon, a s

t now blazed within Scarlet's heart. And so, nestled in the arms of the moonlight, Scarlet slept on, unaware of the

transformation, redemption, and an unforeseen love lingered in the air, inviting readers to turn the page and

hit her head on the table nearby. She didn't want anyone to have another reason to beat her again so witho

been called by

out to the clearin

a lot of damage to the pack so you've to leave this

e a Rogue " She shouted

your voice in front of me

bathed in the soft glow of twilight, shadows lengthening as the day waned. Scarlet's heart raced, her che

deep voice carrying a somber tone. "

was that made her a target, the source of so much pain and disdain within the pack. Now, the al

y with the weight of revelation. "Your parents… they died

h of his words crashing over her like a tidal wave. She felt her knees weaken, but a voice insid

et stammered, her voice shakin

ues, Scarlet. It was during your first shift, your first transformation. The commotio

ion pressed down on her shoulders, an unbearable burden that she couldn't fathom. She had believed herself t

led, desperation lacing her words. "I would ne

pack members hold you accountable. They believe that if

thin the pack held her responsible for a tragedy she had no control over was a bitter pill to swallow. I


l years

ts stood side by side, their hands clasped in a loving embrace. They were experienced warriors, fierce protectors

e scent of the pack's activities. The commotion of the celebration caught their attention, and curio

joy still ringing in their ears. Unaware of the danger lurking in the shadows, they settle

its weakest. They struck swiftly, catching Scarlet's parents off guard. The battle was fie

e scene to drive away the intruders. But it was too late. When the dust settled


ealized that the burden of guilt she had carried was based on a twisted version of the truth. She hadn't caused her pa

. Instead, she mourned the loss of her parents with a heavy heart. And as she looked out at the moon

And while the pack might still see her as a symbol of tragedy, she would no longer let their false perceptions define her worth. In the

stood in the center of the clearing, her heart heavy with defiance. The air was charged with

rly wolf named Caleb, cracked his knuckles with a menacing grin. Scarlet's refusal to accept the false gui

sappointment palpable. "You deny your responsibil

on. "Because it's the truth. I won't a

ere the reason they were attacked. Your first shift drew the

that Alpha Mathias would see reason, that he would understand the truth. But it seemed that the pack's per

ce was a challenge they couldn't ignore. The first blow came from a pack member she barely knew, a cruel smile

he knew what was coming—she had been here before. It was a twisted cycle, a w

their accusations, the pain a constant reminder of their perceived truth. Yet Scarlet refused to

s. The betrayal cut deeper than any physical pain. These were the people she had grown up with, the one

to a haze. The moon's light watched over the brutal scene, a silent witness to her suffe

ones who had instilled within her a sense of justice, a belief in her worth. And even no

, reassuring her that she was never to blame for the tragedies that befell them. Tears mingled

onslaught. The beating ceased, the pack members reluctantly stepping back.

pha Mathias's voice was cold. "You will

w down to their false accusations, no matter the cost. Her parents' memory, t

he'll come here to our pack tomorrow evening. He's trying to find his mate an

after Alpha King's return you'll be an

ainful breath, she vowed to rise again, to reclaim her identity from the hands of those who sought to break her.

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