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Bewitching the Alpha

Chapter 2 Witch's Ward

Word Count: 1639    |    Released on: 03/05/2024

the breeze and the laughter of children echoing off the cobblestone streets painted a chee

of freshly baked goods mingled with the chatter of villagers going abou

nd potions on display, but my mind remained consumed by thoughts

t at the sprawling forest beyond. The dense canopy of trees seemed to str

hallenges ahead. But as I stepped through the threshold, relief flooded

de, I couldn't hide t

Grandma?" I asked, searching

, her strength and love shin

hank you for being here with me," she r

tinued, the weight of uncer

ybe then we could find a way to help you,"

ouch offered a brief r

ether," she said, her unwavering

ed to my responsibilities to

he wards? I don't know if I could live with myself if I let

nce provided a sense of c

self and your family. Don't forget to take care of yourself amidst all t

me like a comforting embrace. I knew I had to find a balance between my

, and for our village," I vowed, m

hining with pride and unwa

re, every step of the way." Her voice was soft,

spered, my voice filled with

r words a testament to the unbreakable bond that

found solace in the unspoken promise we shared—to support

while. Gently, I informed her of my departure, assuring her that I would return soon. Leaning in close, I

r a bit," I murmured, my voice fi

smile gracing her lips despite the pai

replied softly, her voice fille

eluctantly pulling away. With a final glance back, I left the room, the weight of

e from the weight of my responsibilities. The burden of caring for my grandmother an

Selene had consumed my days and nights, leaving little room for anything else. Yet, I c

friend, approached me with his easy smile. Despite the comfort

d. Everything okay?" Hane greete

attempting to downplay t

hings," I replied, my voi

reached out, his touch offering a s

talk to me, right?

loodgates of my emotions o

tly. "She's sick, and we still don't k

his hand offering me the co

bout it? Maybe they can help." H

, guilt gnawing

on Grandma and wards that I hav

ly, his understanding of a

u did." He suggeste

oked at my friend, his unwavering sup

whispered, my voice

presence a beacon of hope amidst

to do it alone,"

, I felt a glimmer of hope ignite within me. With Hane by m

t Hane was right. I should tell this to the elders; maybe they can help me. I

d as a backdrop to the weight of my concerns. I sought out Elder Marino, a figure of wisdom and guidance in

the words I needed to convey the urgency of the situation. He turned to me, ou

urgent regarding my grandmother," I began, my voi

ity and concern, their expression a reflection

nquired, their tone gentle yet filled with the wei

hat lay ahead. I knew I had to choose my words carefully, to convey th

her condition is deteriorating rapidly," I confess

processed the news. Grandma had always been a source of strength and guidance for our vi

for our village. We must do everything in our power to hel

rt, but a sense of urgency gnawed at my insides as I

nything we've ever seen before. We don't know what's causing it, o

gravity of the situation sinking in as they realiz

ed within the village for now, until we can learn more about what we'

e safety of our community depended on

the elder's eyes, I found solace in the u

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