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Bewitching the Alpha

Chapter 5 Shadows of Doubt

Word Count: 2328    |    Released on: 28/05/2024

the clearing, I couldn't help but feel the weight of the cautious and curious gazes of the pack members li

ng?" Lyra's voice cut through the si

st a stranger here-a witch, no less. It's natural for him to be

cent of damp soil mingled with the crisp fragrance of pine needles, enveloping us in a cocoon of wilderness. Each step we to

estion broke the silence once again,

my thoughts. "I'm figuring out a plan to get to Alchemera. I need to go there n

tic yet determined. "I understand. But you need to be

," I acknowledged, my mind racing

s was bustling with activity-dozens of people were gathered along the banks, some washing clothes in the gentle current, others drawing wa

was a vital lifeline for the community. Yet, beneath the surface of tranquility, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at the

, the sounds of laughter and chatte

we still haven't figured out the cause or where it originated. We're still searching for clues, trying to pinpoint where the

the air, and I couldn't shake the feeling of responsibility that gnawed at me. The mystery surrou

iverbank. About ten individuals stood in a huddled circle, their murmurs filling the air

part of them? Lyra, are there any updates?" the pack

iny. "Still nothing, John. We're just having a little discussion," she r

echoed the unspoken question that hung in the air. "Who'

wavering support a beacon of reassurance amidst

ite the skepticism that surrounded me, with that thought in mind, I prepare m

while. Unbeknownst to me, I strayed too far from the group and soon fou

ide," I muttered to myself, reg

ng my attention to a strange energy emanating from the left. Curiosity

foreboding part of the forest that seemed to pulse with malevolent ene

ards it, and before I knew it, a shadowy hand reached o

d off the entity's grasp. With a burst of flames, I mana

he darkness, their blackened forms twisted and contorted beyond recognition. One amo

ne of them lunged towards me, I fought back with all the strength and magic at

myself overwhelmed as they closed in on me. In a desperate struggle, I mana

hope was lost, a voice shatte

surveyed the scene before him. Alongside him stood other pack members, elders, Stacy a

vy with guilt and apprehension as I prepared to explain the

the meeting, along with Lyra, swiftly moved towards me. They guided me with care, supporting me on either side as we made our way to safety. W

ce cut through the air, fill

A-and then these terrifying creatures appeared out of nowhere. T

he's injured?" an elderly woman interjected, her voic

ep, she needs to rest with our pack," Lyra chi

beginning to blur as dizziness washed over me. The world seemed to spin as

fting me effortlessly off my feet. Surrendering to the comforting embrace, I allowe

nto a peaceful slumber. With a sense of gratitude and relief washing over me, I succumbed to t

ing above me, where I had first regained consciousness. I surve

as D

e of tranquility settling over his countenance. The tension that typically marked his expression during

burdens he carried. In the gentle embrace of sleep, he appeared almost boyish, the lin

e of leaves outside. One hand rested lightly on the armrest of the cha

ity. The flickering firelight cast a warm glow upon his features, highlighting the co

ded strength and authority even in sleep. Despite my efforts to avert

cheeks. Even as I lay prone on the bed, the allure of Duke's pr

adjusting my posture. He settled into a

ling?" he asked,

embarrassment at my earlier thoughts. He tilted my

you blushing?" he teased,

closer, his face mere inches from mine. My heart raced as he presse

g my skin. I let out a small moan as I felt his tongue teasing

ispered weakly, feeling his tongu

a rush of wetness between

lled away, his gaze shifting towards the entrance. I

ed out, his voice co

om. Judging by his attire, similar to Lyra's white robe, he was also a healer

?" Duke inquired, hi

according to our analysis of the creature she fough

reasons for the disappearances in our area," El

ds up finding it. Well, I guess. You did a great job," Elder G

nt or consider it an insult. Nonetheless, the acknowledgment of my e

I sensed something familiar about them,

ar?" Matthew inquired, his

lded felt strangely familiar to me, although I couldn't quite plac

ughtful silence, con

" Elder Gideon interjected, his words causing a surge of a

in yet," Duke replied, his tone measu

encountered witches," Lyra added,

plications weighing heavily on my mind. Even as I remained alone in the ro

ey were indeed responsible, then for what purpose? The questions swirled in my min

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