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Burning Passions

Chapter 2 Second | Johnny

Word Count: 1830    |    Released on: 14/05/2024

raid o

day it will tear me

es. I've never felt safe, even though Mom told me when she was st

ver fel

be humans are just wil

The leader of Dale's. He said great futures awaited m

myself since I've bee

touch o

seeing anyone, then as I look

all empty and pale. Sitting here feels like being in "The Shawshank Redemption

nds me


life is like out there, no idea what it's like to sit at home in his ro

king. How

d. He already knows the five times table. I'm proud of hi


ldn't go for dinner today because on

trying a

y on the paper. Accidentally, he pushes the pen too hard


ou know what tho


reply. Noah starts clapping softly. One strap

u very much, Mr. Goode!" He'd probably say in

walls, everyone gathers into groups. Everyone has to line up in al


a five-minute shower, followed by morning work. Some are sent to strip bars, some are chauffeured, but most stay here and satisfy the partners' desires. Lunch at noon. Then the afternoon shift is the same as the morning, just shorter, because at three,

Noah, this wasn't h

or being able t

de. I'd love to lie down in bed and rest, but unfortunately, I'm on the ou

ing a suit. He has long blonde hair, stubble, and a ridiculously large jaw. Bu

ve it, some tried to escape, but their chauffeurs shot them dead. If the chauf

o that to him, even against my own

e through th

ave to suffer for long, Barney opens the door for me to get in. The seat is comfortable, it ha

to visit two

it f

if sent in a letter to the big boss, would get the blondie thrown out of Dale's door with both f

ly finish by nine wi

arette he offers me. "Here's

r this?" He lights the cigaret

k, coughing. He's

is the max you gotta take home,

uses the word "hom

slap or two isn't t

t," he

ried about m

e of you, they pay pretty well, and if

That's one of the most painf

out the window, where I see the passing skyscrapers

ot the case, I've never understood, and I never will understand anything. I try everything to get a bit of luck from fate, som

a lot,

ear, Joh


d, this is th

s large, spacious windows, and the lighting at the entran

eceptionist to say t

people ask for different passwords a


l be back in

ut I never learn, so I came in just a casual top, leaving my cardigan for

ug, a marble bench embracing the whole setup. A crystal-clear marine aquarium stands in the corner, the chandeliers in t

g, how may I


ls a number. She waits for a moment, then says somethi

ome into

nk y

lings and very tall. I feel like a cou

n elements, some have different doorknob

d room number five

nates fro

that it's conti

swept to the side, a well-built body, his clot

ttle cutie


hurts. He pulls me into the be

, but I don't even have time to come to my

heard of gang

hat..." - my

et double the money, bro" -

sides, you're

tears my shirt off while two others play with their belts above my head. I instinctively tr

ared, don't

ss out." - Another man positions himself ove

to force himself into me, devoid of any mercy. I

places it near my mouth,

me, my vo

think you are? Do you want

first. My nose starts to bleed. But I feel nothing can bleed worse than my heart. I gasp for air, trying to inhale oxygen but it's not enough.

aning against the wall, hurrying down the st

d. I'm da

eak dirt

. I've ruined

ence that runs through my min

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