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Burning Passions

Burning Passions


Chapter 1 One | Archie

Word Count: 1373    |    Released on: 14/05/2024

ve been within the tormenting walls of Dale's for five years now. Durin

it hurts! Don't hear your companions' pai

the ceiling, in Arial font

ct the most important rule, w

t not talk, neither to each other nor to the guards. Silence reigns. If a needle fell in the other room,

signated place. We alternate weekly. Outdoor existence is sometimes painful because during this one week, one's brain gets used to the grave silence, so when w

e's no ta

afraid. Dale's causes social problems for the

attempt is unsuccessful; my afternoon partner grip

always jokes that soon we'll both turn into bugs, like the character in Kafka's novel.

the bed where our weekly clothes and first aid kit are. Whenever we get hurt, or our partners

at the door, wh

obably just had dinner. My friend surveys me, then sighs silently. He grabs th

n it, I set aside the

? - He flips the n

his chocolate-colored skin. His dreadlocks dance as he writes, there's a small scar under his e

ike a bed. He flashes his teeth. I have no idea how he manages to smi

ou had

ics vo


you. - I

ds comes in. Their faces are covered with masks, dressed in military unifo

it's lu

ryone has one, so our r

nted with numbers, providing a little light. The guard closes the iron door, which echoes, then takes out his rubber baton, nudges me, and I start walking towards the dining room ahead of him. I feel like a death row convict bein

eir food; if they don't obey, the guards take them to the Torture Room. I've never

and a small glass of water. I take a gulp. My stomach rumbles loudly. One of t

ow the first bite

is much. Be grateful, give thanks to God" - the man mumbles as he

looks up at the uniformed man, and I catch


up at the thi

d rolls

up with it?" - We watch the rebel in tense silence, who slams the table. "You're fucking crip

his head bangs on the wooden table again. Again, and again. I clutch my thigh, my heart moves into my throat,

The guard aims a gun at him. - "God will never forgive you,

straight to my heart; I f

ls over the


your partner didn't come to lunch,

storage, in white uniforms, glo


ly. Holding my breath, I listen to the guard's f

but fortunately, it d

e, I want to

can barely hold myself up, the food turned out to be too little, and the wa

folds before me. We stop in front of the first room. Th

n an average room, larger than ours, with brown walls, and a s

," the guard's words shock me. Marcus was my driver, who too

hend the next words. The last image I remember is Percy's

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