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Shadowed Desire The Unwanted Mate

Chapter 2 Remember your place

Word Count: 1234    |    Released on: 14/05/2024

r fear as she rushed forward to intervene. "Stop it!" she exclaimed, her voic

ips curling into a sneer. "And who do you think you are, interf

nwavering as she addressed the trembling servant behind her. "

s she clung to Ava's outstretched hand. "Thank you

determination. "You have no right to treat her like this. We are all equals here,

momentarily faltering in the face of Ava's unwavering resolve. But just as quickl

chill run down her spine. Glancing over her shoulder, she caught sight of Alpha Tristan himself, his im

ed, his voice deceptively calm as he

's gaze head-on. "No, Alpha Tristan. Just a misunderstanding," she replied

bserved Ava's interaction with the servant and the woman. "Be careful, Ava. You would do well

he fought to keep her composure. "With all due respect, Alpha Tristan, my place is wherever there i

. "Very well, Ava. But remember, there are consequences for those who dare to defy the natural order of things," he cautioned, be

is warning made her feel even more scared. But she didn't g

really upset. She couldn't stop thinking about what Alpha Tristan s

now your place," he had said,

approached, her expression sympathetic yet res

moment before decidi

stration, "Alpha Tristan made a comment earlier.

What? That's awful!" she exclaimed,

really stung," she admitted, her grip tightening on the cloth in her ha

stration. "I know what you mean. It's like they don't see us as equals, n

?" Ava insisted, a flicker of defiance igniti

lute. "It's easy for them to belittle us when they hold all the power. But we have each other, A

embrace. "You're right, Thomas. We may be servants, but we're not slaves. We deserve to be

icker within her. With the support of her fellow servants, she knew she could face wha

terrupted by the haughty laughter of a group of Alpha Tristan's more arrogant household staff. A

eth sneered, her voice dripping with condescensi

y Elizabeth's arrogance. "We're just having a conversation, Elizabeth.

idened. "Oh, I see. Ava's feeling a bit sensitive today, are we?" she taunted, her words cutting l

. But she refused to let Elizabeth see her falter, her resolve hardening like steel. "At least I have a

ment before she regained her composure. "Watch your tongue, Ava. You may think you're b

ad-on. "Maybe so, but I'd rather be a servant with integrity than a noble with

composure, her mask of arrogance firmly in place. "Enjoy your little rebellion while it lasts, Ava. But remember, in th

surge of pride swell within her, buoye

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